Stomach bloating: Cardio or yoga could help to reduce your symptoms

Knee hug

This pose is also known as the “wind-relieving pose” as it helps ease bloating and gas pains.

Lie down on your back and inhale while placing your hands on your knees. As you exhale, bring your knees to your chest, as if you are hugging them.

Rock your knees from side to side gently for five to ten breaths, before releasing your knees and starting again.

Spinal twist

Lie down on your back and hug your knees as you inhale. Exhale and carefully lower your knees to the left, using your hand to push them down.

Turn your head to the right and stretch your arms out on the floor.

Lie like this for five to ten breaths, before returning your hands knees to the centre. Repeat on the other side.



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