Diabetes type 2 symptoms: ‘Very high’ rising blood sugar levels – warnings

Passing more urine than usual, especially at nighttime, could be symptomatic of type 2 diabetes; extremely high blood sugar can also lead to extreme thirst, tiredness, and lethargy. Leading charity, Diabetes UK, added that escalating blood sugar levels could lead to thrush, and recurring bladder and skin infections. A high blood sugar reading, which can be taken with a glucometer, may also lead to: blurred vision, unintended weight loss, nausea, and headaches.

Diabetes UK noted: “You may not notice [the symptoms] until your blood glucose is very high.

“At which point you should take action straight away to reduce your blood sugar levels.”

If you have not been diagnosed with diabetes but recognise such symptoms in yourself, then do book a doctor’s appointment as soon as possible.

People who have diabetes, and recognise these signs of high blood sugar, you can take steps to bring down your reading.

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In the meantime, if you are unable to take more insulin, or you have not been prescribed the medication, you can take a walk.

By taking a walk, you are helping to bring down high blood sugar levels.

Strenuous exercises, on the other hand, could produce a stress reponse which could raise blood sugar levels.

You could also bring down high blood sugar levels by drinking more water.

Unmanaged type 2 diabetes can lead to serious long-term health consequences.

Examples include an increased risk of heart disease, nerve damage, and foot amputation.

Type 2 diabetes is a serious health condition that requires proper treatment and care.

If you would like more advice on how to manage the condition, do speak to your doctor or visit Diabetes UK.



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