World Thyroid Awareness Day 2024: Date, History, Significance, Symptoms and Prevention

World Thyroid Awareness Day raises awareness about thyroid disease and its symptoms. (Image: Shutterstock)

Thyroid disorders can impact the overall well-being of people and adversely affect their health.

Every year, the whole world observes World Thyroid Awareness Day to raise global awareness about thyroid disease and its symptoms. It is marked on May 25 and is dedicated to the problems, symptoms, prevention, and diagnosis related to thyroid. On this special day, many people aim to educate people on thyroid disease and the importance of maintaining a healthy thyroid gland.

Thyroid disorders can impact the overall well-being of people and adversely affect their health. Our neck has a thyroid gland that stimulates thyroid hormones, which play a pivotal role in regulating the metabolism of the body.

World Thyroid Awareness Day: History

World Thyroid Awareness Day, which is celebrated on May 25, has a long history. It was first decided to celebrate the day in September 2007 during the Annual General Meeting preceding the European Thyroid Association (ETA) congress. The day, May 25 was not just a mere coincidence but held special importance as well. May 25 marks the anniversary of ETA’s foundation, which was formed in 1965.

The main aim of ETA’s selection of May 25 as the World Thyroid Awareness Day was to raise awareness about thyroid disorders and their impact on individuals’ health. They also aimed to create a platform to educate the public, healthcare professionals, and organisations about thyroid-related conditions.

World Thyroid Awareness Day: Significance

This day has a special importance to create awareness about thyroid and its related problems around the world.

Here are certain important reasons why this day is celebrated

  1. Promoting PreventionWorld Thyroid Awareness Day is also celebrated to promote the prevention of thyroid disorders. If the disease is not treated early, it can turn out to be highly dangerous. The day also highlights the disparities in healthcare services and resources, particularly in marginalised communities, and advocates that everyone should get access to treatment for thyroid disorder despite their background.
  2. Raise AwarenessAll around the world, there are many people who are still unaware of the disease and its consequences. As a result, this day created awareness and tried to educate as many people as possible about thyroid disorder, its diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.
  3. CollaborationThis day also marks the collaboration of medical professionals, patient advocacy groups, policymakers, and researchers on thyroid-related issues.

World Thyroid Awareness Day: Symptoms and Prevention

Thyroid disorder comes with two common types of problems: hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism refers to when the thyroid gland produces thyroid hormone higher than the normal level. People with hyperthyroidism have an increased metabolism, which leads to weight loss and an irregular heartbeat.

On the other hand, hypothyroidism refers to when the thyroid gland is not able to produce enough hormones, leading to an increase in weight, exhaustion, and feeling chills in the body. People who suffer from thyroid disorder have symptoms like fatigue, muscle trembling, increased weight gain or loss, increased sweating, etc.

Many medical professionals have advised that people should follow a healthy and balanced diet. People are also suggested to refrain from eating processed food. Apart from that, people should go for weekly or monthly health check-ups to stay updated on their health related issues.



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