World Asthma Day 2024: Theme, History, Quotes, and 8 Major Asthma Triggers

World Asthma Day is being observed today on May 7. (Image: Shutterstock)

World Asthma Day aims to raise global awareness about asthma, a chronic lung disease that affects individuals of all ages.

World Asthma Day (WAD) is an annual event organised by the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA), a collaborative organisation founded in 1993 under the World Health Organization (WHO). World Asthma Day is held annually on the first Tuesday in May. This year, it will be observed on May 7.

WAD aims to raise global awareness about asthma, a chronic lung disease that affects individuals of all ages. Asthma is characterised by inflammation and constriction of the airways, leading to difficulties in breathing. Common symptoms include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and chest tightness, which can vary in severity and frequency.

While asthma is a serious condition, it can be effectively managed with proper treatment. Individuals experiencing asthma symptoms are advised to seek medical advice promptly.

Despite available resources and medication, Asthma is among the most prevalent chronic non-communicable diseases, impacting over 260 million individuals worldwide and resulting in more than 4,50,000 deaths annually, a majority of which could be prevented.

World Asthma Day 2024 Theme

The theme for World Asthma Day 2024, chosen by GINA, is “Asthma Education Empowers”. This theme highlights the importance of educating individuals with asthma to manage their condition better and recognise when medical intervention is necessary. Healthcare professionals are encouraged to enhance their understanding of asthma, including its management and the latest evidence-based practices, to provide reliable information and optimal care to their patients.

World Asthma Day History

The inaugural World Asthma Day took place in 1998, coinciding with the inaugural World Asthma Meeting in Barcelona, Spain. It was celebrated in over 35 countries. Since then, participation in World Asthma Day has grown, making it one of the most significant global events for asthma awareness and education.

May was also selected as the month for this event because it aligns with the spring and fall seasons when asthma symptoms typically worsen.

World Asthma Day 2024 Quotes

  1. “And I really believe that. Asthma is not a disability!” – Dominique Wilkins
  2. “Asthma is treatable and well can be controlled.” – Cathy Freeman
  3. “Breath is the finest gift of nature. Be grateful for this wonderful gift.” – Amit Ray
  4. “There are only a few restrictions on your life with asthma, as long as you take care of yourself.” – Jackie Joyner-Kersee
  5. “First off, do everything they can to give their kids the opportunities to play sports; asthma is not a deterrent to playing sports.” – Dominique Wilkins

8 Major Asthma Triggers

Asthma attacks can be triggered by various factors, which differ from person to person. It’s important to identify and avoid your specific triggers. Some of the most common and major triggers include:

  1. Tobacco smokeIf you smoke and have asthma, quitting smoking is crucial. Smoking can worsen asthma symptoms and increase the risk of asthma attacks. Secondhand smoke is also harmful to people with asthma. Ensure that your home and car are smoke-free environments. Encourage household members who smoke to quit, and ask them to smoke away from you.
  2. Dust mitesUse mattress and pillow covers that are specifically designed to block dust mites. Down-filled pillows, quilts, and comforters can harbour dust mites. Wash your bedding, including sheets and pillowcases, weekly in hot water and dry them completely. Use a vacuum cleaner equipped with a HEPA filter to reduce dust mites in carpets, area rugs and floors. Keep the humidity levels in your home between 30-50% to discourage dust mites. Use a dehumidifier if necessary.
  3. Outdoor air pollutionPay attention to air quality forecasts and avoid outdoor activities during times of high pollution. Stay indoors when pollution levels are high, especially during peak traffic times or when there are nearby wildfires.
  4. PestsClean up spills promptly, store food in airtight containers, and keep trash in closed containers. Sweep, vacuum, and mop floors regularly to remove crumbs and food residues that attract pests. Seal any cracks or openings in walls, floors, and around pipes to prevent pests from entering. Use baits and traps in areas where pests are a problem, following the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.
  5. PetsCreate pet-free zones, especially in bedrooms, to reduce exposure to pet dander. Bathe pets regularly to reduce dander. Use allergen-proof covers on mattresses and pillows. Consider using an air purifier with a HEPA filter to help remove pet allergens from the air.
  6. MouldFix leaks promptly, use exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens, and keep indoor humidity levels low. Scrub mould off hard surfaces with detergent and water, then dry completely. Dispose of absorbent materials like ceiling tiles or carpet if mouldy. Use a dehumidifier to maintain indoor humidity levels below 50% to inhibit mould growth.
  7. DisinfectantsUse cleaners and disinfectants sparingly to avoid triggering asthma symptoms. Follow a cleaning schedule to prevent overuse. Opt for cleaning products that are less likely to trigger asthma. Look for products labelled as asthma-friendly or eco-friendly.
  8. Physical exerciseIf outdoor air quality is poor, consider indoor exercise options such as gym workouts, yoga, or indoor swimming. Before and after exercise, take time to warm up and cool down to help prevent asthma symptoms. Use your rescue inhaler before exercise if recommended by your doctor to prevent exercise-induced asthma symptoms.

Understanding and managing these triggers can help you better control your asthma and reduce the risk of frequent asthma attacks.



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