Working women suffer with mental health most under lockdown


More than a quarter (26 percent) feel anxious, one in five describe themselves as depressed while 19 percent say they are constantly worried. Men are taking it more in their stride with 19 percent anxious, 15 percent depressed and 16 percent worried.

Among both sexes working from home, only 33 percent accept the situation with 22 percent perpetually anxious about it.

On the whole, the over-55s are more upbeat than their younger counterparts, according to a survey by insurers Canada Life.

Half accept the lockdown and its impact on their lives compared to just a quarter of those aged 18-34.

Forty percent are also optimistic about the vaccine rollout and effectiveness compared with just 20 percent of the younger age group.

Two-thirds of full-time workers from home feel more prepared for the current lockdown than previous ones.

Dan Crook, of Canada Life, said: “With many of us working from home the potential for employees to feel isolated or overwhelmed is heightened.”

But now they rely on family and friends, meditation apps or support from workplace schemes.



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