Winter Fruits To Eat During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful and crucial periods in a woman’s life. One must always be conscious of what goes into the system. And winter is the time when you have to extra careful with your diet and hydration.

Strengthen your immunity, keep cold and cough at bay by boosting your food habit. Make it a must to add the seasonal fruits in your diet plan.

In case you are keen to know about the fruits that would be great during winter, then here are some juicy fruits list for all mom-to-be:

Indian gooseberries: You can absolutely rely on this fruit when it comes to boosting immunity. Also, known as amla, this can be considered as a superfood because of its amazing health benefits. Highly recommended since ancient times, amla is great for gut health, digestion, blood purification. Enriched with iron, vitamin A, E, calcium and fibre, amla aids in maintaining haemoglobin level, keeping gestational diabetes and morning sickness in control.

Berries: Fill your fruit platter with colour by adding nice and beautiful strawberries, blueberries this winter. By consuming these, you give your body a healthy dose of vitamin C, beta-carotene, potassium, folic acid along with the supply of antioxidants, fibre, potassium, folate. These nutrients are great for your health as they would be aiding in sustaining amniotic fluid, protect cell injury.

Oranges: Winter is the time when nature showers us with oranges in abundance. So, make the most of nature’s produce and binge on oranges. They are high in vitamin C, aids in iron absorption have folic acid. Folic acid will particularly help in preventing the neural tube defect. You can have it as juice, but try to have the orange directly so that you get the benefit of the roughage. Ensure your as well as your growing foetus’ health by consuming oranges this winter.

Pomegranate: An excellent source of iron would be pomegranate. You can have pomegranate juice or mix it with beetroot juice to gain some outstanding nutrition. Adding this to poha also ensures great iron intake.

Kiwi: Soothe your body with this beautiful light green coloured fruit. It is as tasty as it looks. Rich in vitamin C, folate, kiwis provide wholesome nutrition to your body. You will have great cognitive health for your child with regular and consistent consumption of kiwis.

Also, continue to have a healthy, balanced diet regime to sail through your pregnancy, happily.



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