Ways to Detox Armpits to Smell Great Always

Take a moment to think about it – this is an actual pit on your body that continuously collects sweat and bacteria. And the pit remains in a covered-up condition all through the day and then we are guilty of spraying liberal amounts of deodorants which have often been criticized for containing aluminium and parabens. And then, we also do sweaty workouts. All these factors may lead to buildup of toxins, bacteria, and what not. Hence, detoxifying your armpits on a regular basis is essential to keep body odor away and feel fresh always. Not to forget that you can flaunt your underarms in those sleeveless dresses and spaghetti tops.

Who Should Try Armpit Detox?

Anyone who uses deo regularly, has moderate-high sweating levels and has problems of dark or tanned underarms should definitely try armpit detox. Also, if you shave your underarms, detoxing your armpits will improve your skin texture. Anyone above the age of 15 can do this. Ideally, you should detox your armpits at least once in a fortnight.

Benefits of Armpit Detox:

1. Reduces body odor.

2. Improves blood circulation.

3. Draws out toxins.

4. Detoxifies lymph nodes.

How to Detoxify Armpits?

You can follow these very simple techniques to give your armpits a thoroughly clean and refreshed feeling once in a while.

1. Try Skin Brushing: While deodorant helps to block foul smell, the aluminum and parabens found in it can clog the pores. Using it without detoxing your arms can suppress your natural immune system. Now, in case you are not aware, the armpit contains an army of lymph nodes that work to drain excess toxins. Try dry brushing to speed up that process. Skin brushing really helps detox the armpits by draining the lymph nodes there and de-clogging the pores from aluminum residue. Gently move the brush from the outer part of the armpit down towards the breast to help drain the lymphs effectively.

2. Clean Up Your Diet: A diet of vegetables and fruits is recommended, since those foods have natural, detoxifying elements. Getting the toxins out will lead to the reduction of body odor.  Vegetables like cucumber will help keep the body hydrated and flush out toxins. Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, or grapefruits add fiber to your diet, which helps you maintain a regular digestive system. This rids your body of the toxic compounds that can contribute to the lingering smell. The acid in citrus fruits helps flush water through your body.

3. Bentonite and Coconut Oil Mask: A great way to detox your armpits is making your own mask at home with bentonite clay (you can use multani-mitti) and coconut/ almond oil. You can add a couple of drops of essential oils like tea tree and lemongrass for anti-microbial action and a more refreshing scent. Mix one tablespoon of bentonite clay with once tablespoon of coconut oil. Let the mask sit on the skin for at least 15 minutes, and rinse it off with warm water. Bentonite clay can produce an ‘electrical charge’ when it is hydrated. The oil’s ability to fully hydrate the skin, gives the clay the ability to absorb the under arm toxins.

4. Choose Waxing over Shaving: Put your razor down and book a salon appointment. As it turns out, waxing which lasts longer than shaving has extra benefits for your armpits. If you shave, you should try waxing instead, as it removes the dead skin cells that sit on the top of the skin. Waxing in any area opens up the hair follicles, which will allow detoxifying masks to penetrate deeper to remove toxins.

5. Bentonite Clay and Apple Cider Vinegar: Mix 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in 1 tbsp of bentonite clay in a bowl. After cleaning out the armpits, apply a thin layer on the armpits and allow it to dry for 20 minutes. Now, wipe it off with a clean cloth using warm water.

Also, once you’ve thoroughly cleaned up your underarms, buy a natural deodorant to keep them in pristine shape. Here’s what to look for in an organic one – it should be aluminium-free, should contain an absorbent powder such as baking soda or corn starch; and it should be formulated with antibacterial ingredients like essential oils. I would also recommend you to toss aside deos which are loaded with toxic chemicals.

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All about Detox Diet
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