Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms: Signs to add foods to diet include fatigue or tiredness


Vitamin B12 is a crucial ingredient for the healthy running of the body, as it’s needed to make red blood cells. Signs of a deficiency can develop very slowly, so it may be difficult to diagnose the condition.

People with undiagnosed symptoms should consider that they may have a vitamin B12 deficiency.

While it’s unlikely that your symptoms are caused by the condition, there are still many people that have a lack of B12.

A quick blood test could reveal whether you should be adding more B12 to your diet.

You should consider speaking to a doctor about a B12 deficiency if you develop unexplained fatigue.

READ MORE: Signs of a vitamin B12 deficiency in your mouth

“Unfortunately, symptoms of a vitamin B12 deficiency can take years to show up, and diagnosing it can be complex,” it said.

“Weakness and fatigue are common symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency.

“They occur because your body doesn’t have enough vitamin B12 to make red blood cells, which transport oxygen throughout your body.

“As a result, you are unable to efficiently transport oxygen to your body’s cells, making you feel tired and weak.”

But just because you’re feeling very fatigued, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have a B12 deficiency.

It could be caused by not getting enough sleep, doing too much – or too little – exercise, and even taking certain medications.

Unexplained fatigue is very common, and it’s completely normal to feel run down on occasion.

In fact, tiredness is one of the most common reasons that people visit their local GP’s surgery.

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