V Shred vs Insanity: Which is Better?

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again… or wait no is that getting shredded cause you end up doing hours of cardio?

V Shred and Beachbody on Demand are both workout platforms, and we’ll be comparing V Shred’s 30 Day at Home Workout vs Shaun T’s Insanity workouts.

Which is better? Let’s find out…

An Overview of V Shred’s 30 Day at Home Program

First off, they start off truthfully! The 30-Day at Home program is indeed done in the comfort of your own home! This is possibly where the positives stop… already.

You’ll notice once you enter the V Shred website that there are only two focuses for these people: Money and Misinformation. Ranging from bad sales tactics to even worse supplements, V Shred is not a vibe.

The workout, however, seems reasonably okay. You will cycle through a range of different workouts every week, including:

  • Full Body
  • Upper Body
  • Cardio
  • Lower Body
  • Tabata

All these are done from the comfort of your home and require no extra equipment. While V Shred may say “Oh this is developed with new fat loss techniques”, the reality is, that it’s just a workout routine.

You’re still going to have to rely on a structured diet plan, sleep, and progressive overload to get any better. Disappointing right?

Yeah, I remember I was disappointed too when I learned losing fat isn’t just predicated on how much you sweat.

There is a great focus on HIIT which can definitely help with fat loss for sure, but it’s probably because the plan is designed for busy people. With limited time you really have to go hard to actually see results.

2 V Shred 30 Day at Home Pros

  1. It’s time-efficient: Because most people are rather busy and don’t always have time to sit around and train for hours on end, a quick HIIT workout at home is perfect. Best for progress? Debatable
  2. It does come with some nutrition guides: While it isn’t perfect, there are plenty of recipes available for you to try. It doesn’t calculate your recommended calories and macros – so that’s a miss

2 V Shred 30 Day at Home Cons

  1. Won’t help you “lose 34 pounds”: Let’s be honest, to lose a pound a day is completely unhealthy, and you should rather aim for a sustainable 0.5 – 1.0% of total body weight loss per week
  2. Most of V Shred isn’t scientific: Whether you’re looking at their supplements, workouts, or nutrition guides, they aren’t based on science, but rather on fear-mongering and clickbait

An Overview of Beachbody’s Insanity

“The hardest workout you’ll ever have to do” according to the creator Shaun T. The Insanity program is a 60-day program that supposedly gets you a year worth of results…

Some of the people who have followed this plan have lost up to 20lbs of fat! Compared to the 1lb per day approach by V Shred, this is way more feasible.

The program is another at-home program that doesn’t require any equipment. Another key difference to V Shred, it’s split into months where you focus on certain aspects of fitness.

  • Month 1: Improving Cardiovascular Fitness
  • Month 2: Cardiovascular and Muscular Endurance

This combination not only makes the entire program more interesting but some studies suggest fitter people will lose fat faster due to increased Free Fatty Acids in the blood compared to Glycogen. Thus, getting clients fit first will help with fat loss.

They’re also kind enough to provide an eating program called “Elite Nutrition” with all the information you will require regarding fuelling yourself for the onslaught of workouts you’ll be doing.

This program may not be for beginners, and will only really be of use to intermediate individuals. Or those who just hate themselves – we won’t judge!

2 Beachbody – Insanity Pros

  1. Nutrition Plan: Compared to the nutrition guide from V Shred, this one knocks it out of the park with effectiveness and truth
  2. Fitness First: As mentioned before, there might be some scientific advantages to getting fit first before trying to burn fat. The science isn’t a 100% solid yet, but being fit has a myriad of other benefits

2 Beachbody Insanity Cons

  1. Might take time to get used to: Remember, the heart is a muscle after all. This means jumping in the deep end might be too much and you risk injury so, maybe take a few weeks prior to this program to get somewhat fit
  2. Longer than V Shred: The workouts are considerably longer than the workouts created by V Shred, but you can get around this if you do Insanity: Max 30 instead.

V Shred 30 Day at Home vs Beachbody Insanity Conclusion

These two are vastly different from one another. One is trying to get you fit while getting as much money as possible, and one wants to get you in the best shape ever.

Could both work? Absolutely, but that’s like asking if you could kill a fly with a Bazooka? I guess, but choose the right tool for the job. The Insanity program might sound a lot more intense, and it definitely is, but there is a method to the madness.

Most of V Shred’s products are not designed with great effort and might leave you disappointed and confused. Insanity will leave you gasping for air sure, but it is still a lot better.

Overall, I would be more inclined to spend money on any of the products made by Beachbody rather than those made by V Shred. V Shred isn’t as calculated, is not scientific, and only cares about money.

You only have one body. Treat it with Insanity.

Don’t quote me on that last part.

The post V Shred vs Insanity: Which is Better? appeared first on NOOB GAINS.



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