Types of Personal Injury Lawsuits

Did you know that you can get compensated if you get injured because of someone else’s negligence? Depending on the circumstances of the incident, and the state you live in, the law may allow you to sue for damages that occurred as a result of the injury. Of course, there are many contributing factors to whether or not you have the legal grounds for a case. But when life throws something unpredictable at you that concerns your financial security, a personal injury lawsuit could be the solution that gets you back on your feet.

Personal injury cases occur when an individual’s injury is the fault of another party. This could be another individual, a business, or even the government. If negligence on the part of the responsible person led to the incident, then the victim can pursue a settlement to cover any losses they experienced. These losses could include medical bills during recovery, property damage, lost wages from an inability to work, and even emotional suffering.

If you think that you may have a case for a personal injury lawsuit, the best course of action is to speak with an injury lawyer who can advise you on the next steps. They will let you know if you have a case and whether or not compensation could be awarded to you. Here are a few examples of potential personal injury lawsuits that could happen.

Defective Product

If you have purchased a product that ended up malfunctioning and causing an injury, you may be able to file a claim against the manufacturing company. It can be hard to prove that the defect was the fault of the business, and you will also need to provide evidence that user error did not contribute to the incident. A defective product case could be about a piece of heavy machinery, a medicinal drug that causes adverse side effects, or a basic household product that was manufactured incorrectly.

Vehicle Accident

One of the most common personal injury cases involves motor vehicle accidents. In many car crashes, the fault lies with one or more drivers who were involved. Victims who can prove that another driver’s negligence caused the accident may be able to win fair compensation from insurance companies if they suffered damage to themselves and/or their vehicle. This could also apply to boats.

Medical Malpractice

If your injury is the result of a healthcare provider being negligent, then a medical malpractice lawsuit could cover any losses that you experienced from the injury. Medical malpractice can negatively affect patients, doctors, and even taxpayers in the case of community health centers. Holding people accountable is the best way to prevent future malpractice incidents, so these lawsuits can help protect others while securing your financial future.

Dog Bites

Yes, even a dog attack could justify a personal injury lawsuit. Maybe you are walking past a neighbor’s house and their dog is loose in the yard and attacks you on the sidewalk. Since the owner failed to restrain the animal, they could be liable for your injuries. However, your case could be undermined if you in any way initiated contact with the dog or behaved in a confrontational way to cause the attack.

Premises Liability

If you own property, then you are responsible for maintaining its level of safety. Premises liability cases usually occur when businesses are involved, but private property owners can also be held accountable for incidents like a slip and fall. Circumstances that could cause a premises liability case include uneven walkways, uncleaned spills, proximity to dangerous equipment, poor lighting, inadequate security, and more. Anything that the property owner’s negligence allows to be a danger to invitees could lead to this type of lawsuit.

Workplace Accidents

Workplace accidents are another common form of personal injury claims. Some of the leading industries for workplace accidents include protective services, material transportation, building maintenance, and healthcare support. Individuals who get hurt while working may be covered with worker’s compensation insurance, but sometimes this coverage is not enough to equal the total losses. A personal injury lawsuit could help the victim overcome that gap and receive full compensation for the incident if the company or another employee is at fault for the incident.

Protect Your Rights

Not many people know every type of personal injury lawsuit that could be pursued. This means that there are probably injury victims who have missed out on covering their financial losses when someone else was at fault for the incident. A personal injury claim is the best way to protect your financial interests when tragedy occurs and you lose money because of medical expenses, lost income, or another side effect of the injury. Know your rights, seek out legal representation, and hold the responsible party accountable.

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