Try This Simple Recipe of Mushroom Momos in Winter

Momos, a type of steamed dumplings of Tibetan origin, has now become quite popular in all parts of India. Available in both vegetarian and non-vegetarian options, there is a wide variety to choose from.

The demand for piping hot momos increases significantly in the winter season.

As momos can be stuffed with many vegetables you can try mushrooms for the stuffing also. Apart from being delicious, it is also beneficial for health since mushrooms are known to be rich in protein. It also takes very less time to cook.

Here is an easy recipe of Mushroom momos.

Ingredients for Mushroom Momos

Maida – 1 cup

Mushroom – 6

Onions – 2

Chopped Ginger-Garlic – 1 tbsp

Green Chilli – 3

Black pepper powder – 1/2 tsp

Garam masala – 1/2 tsp


Oil (as per requirement)

How to prepare:

First put the all-purpose flour in a large bowl and then knead the dough thoroughly by adding 1 teaspoon each of oil and salt. Rest the dough aside. Now, chop the mushrooms, onions, garlic, ginger and green chilis. After this, take a wok, oil it thoroughly, and then put it on the gas to heat. When the oil starts emitting smoke, add chopped garlic, ginger, onions and green chilis in order and fry them. Add mushrooms to the mix. After this, add spices, black pepper powder. Cook this mix well for about 2-3 minutes till mushrooms are done.

After this, you should take the dough and make small balls out of it. Roll them out into thin and translucent rotis. You should now fill in the mixture and close them from all sides. Now steam the momos for around 10-15 minutes.

Momos are now ready to be served hot with chutney.

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