Try These 5 Yoga Aasanas for a Healthy Pair of Lungs

With the level of air pollution increasing each year, the number of lungs patients has also seen an increase. However, this year COVID-19 has worsened the situation and people need to take extra care of their health. The increase in pollution, coupled with the coronavirus pandemic makes it vital that one takes utmost care of their lungs. The best way to keep your lungs healthy is Yoga. Yoga is said to reduce stress level and improve efficiency of the lungs by making them stronger.

Yoga like bow pose or wheel pose improves the capacity of lungs and strengthen them while breathing yoga exercises can help clear mucus from the airways. The best time to do these yoga exercises is before the sunrise as it helps one keep energetic, positive and active for the rest of the day. Here we have enlisted these 5 Yoga Asanas to improve lung health:

1. Dhanurasana or bow pose:

In this yoga, you have to lie down on your stomach and bend your knees towards your hips and hold your ankles with your hands. Now lift your legs and arms as high as you can and keep your face up. Try to hold the posture as long as you can.

2. Hasta Uttanasana or raised arm yoga pose

Stand straight in Samasthiti and raise your arms over your head and then stretch upwards with folded hands in a way that your palms face each other and are joined. Keep your head in between your arms. Now bend back gently and keep your knees straight and eyes open. Stay in the same position for some time and then come back to the original position and repeat.

3. Ustrasana aka camel pose

First Kneel on the mat, and place your hands on your heaps. Then arch your back and slide your palms over feet, keeping the arms straight. Keep your neck in a neutral position. Stay in the position for some time and then breathe out and come back to initial posture. And then keep your hands on hips.

4. Ardha chandrasana or half moon pose

The name itself hints the Yoga posture. Ardha Chandrasana means posture like a half-moon. To start this yoga, extend your left leg back and drop your knee and then extend your toes out. Stretch your arms over your head, and look upwards. Keep your right knee parallel to the ankle and bend your upper body back, and form an arch-like a half-moon. Repeat the same posture with the other leg.

5. Chakrasana aka wheel pose

Lay down on your back and fold your legs from your knees, and place your feet firmly on the floor. Fold your arms at the elbows with your palms towards the sky. Now rotate your arms at the shoulders, and keep your palms on the floor to form an arch by lifting up your body. Keep your neck relaxed and keep your head gently falling behind.

Apart from these Yoga exercises, people are also suggested to drink hot water with turmeric, honey and ginger to improve lung health. In case of congestion or chronic respiratory conditions, steam therapy is quite effective.



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