The Treatments Doctors Say Millennials Should Get This Winter

We might think of millennials as the youthful generation, but for those aged 22–38, there is a lot of “prejuvenation” to be had. While there may not be a need to address deep lines and wrinkles yet, many cosmetic doctors believe that if you start now, there will be less rejuvenation needed as you get older. Here, we asked three top skin-care experts which treatments millennials should consider during the winter months to help them emerge in spring a little more rested and refined.

Botox Cosmetic

“Botox is a neuromodulator that relaxes the muscles of facial expression that cause wrinkling of the forehead, frown lines, and crow’s feet area,” says Chicago dermatologist Quenby Erickson, MD. “This treatment has no downtime and is awesome for preventing wrinkles— it’s best to start it before you ‘need’ it!”

“There’s been a lot of frowning and eyebrow raising during 2020,” adds Davie, FL dermatologist Leslie Clark-Loeser, MD. “Let’s give those muscles a little rest, which will of course relax and improve the areas that remain pretty much the only ones that anyone is seeing.”


As far as laser treatments go, this season is especially good for lasers as patients can take some time away from view to heal. “Another treatment great for ‘prejuvenation’ is Forever Young BBL and BBL HERO,” adds Dr. Erickson. “This treatment corrects sun damage and slows aging in the skin by turning on a more youthful gene expression. Do this once or twice a year to keep your skin healthy and youthful!”

“Winter is the best possible time to treat brown spots,” adds Dr. Clarke-Loeser. “With lasers we can go after fine lines and acne scarring. We may not love wearing our necessary masks, but let’s face it—pun intended—masks are helpful in covering up evidence of having done any of the these procedures.”


To spot treat fat, New York oculoplastic surgeon Irene Gladstein, MD recommends Kybella injections. “ This is best done when you can wear loose clothing or scarfs/turtlenecks. This is an amazing injectable alternative to liposuction that permanently reduces unwanted localized fat deposits under the chin and on the body. It may take a few sessions to get to your goals, but once you achieve your dream contour, the results are permanent.”

Chemical Peels

“Superficial chemical peels, like SkinMedica’s Revitalize or Rejuvenize, or the ViPeel, or just a simple beta hydroxy acid peel, like salicylic acid, or alpha hydroxy acid peel, like glycolic acid,” recommends Dr. Clark-Loeser. “These peels are a nice way to refresh dull skin and, in some cases, even improve lighter brown spots or discoloration.”


Another great skin treatment that is perfect for the winter months is microneedling. According to Dr. Gladstein, “Radio-frequency microneedling with PRP is best done during cold months to avoid sun exposure. This procedure tightens skin, reduces pore size, significantly improves any preexistent acne scarring and creates a beautiful filtered effect to the top layer of the skin.” 

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