The Adonis Index: What is the Golden Ratio? (Calculator)


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Key Takeaways

  • The Adonis Index Golden Ratio focuses on creating a “V” shape physique.
  • In essence, your shoulder-to-waist ratio should be 1.68:1
  • This isn’t only for aesthetic reasons, either, as research suggests that carrying more adipose tissue around the stomach is linked to several health risks.

The Adonis Index ratio is a measurement of the ‘perfect’ male body, specifically looking at the shoulder-to-waist ratio. Larger shoulders and a small waist create what’s called the ‘Adonis Golden Ratio,’ with the Golden Ratio being about 1.68:1, meaning your shoulder circumference is 1.68 times larger than your waist circumference.

However, getting this ‘perfect male body’ is actually a lot harder than it seems.

Here’s how to do it.

What is the Adonis Index Ratio?

Having broad shoulders and a tiny waist lets others know you’re healthy, that you mean business, and that you probably eat way too much protein.

Spongebob smiling - letting out protein farts by the bench

Jokes aside, having a shoulder circumference that’s a lot larger than your waist is usually an indication that you’re building muscle and that you are, indeed, healthy.

A bigger waist circumference typically means you’re carrying more adipose tissue, which — in evolutionary terms — isn’t healthy. In fact, obesity has been linked to cholesterol issues, hypertension, and various other health ailments.

The Adonis Index Ratio is a calculation comparing your shoulder-to-waist ratio. A greater ratio is often linked to the ‘perfect’ male physique, and when you look at models, athletes, or strong men in general, they usually have a far larger upper body than the waist.

You’ll see this idea plastered on magazine bodybuilding programs and being described as ‘the ideal body type’. Yes, while it certainly wouldn’t hurt to have more muscle and less fat, your life shouldn’t revolve around getting the perfect male body or the perfect Adonis Index ratio.

How To Get a Better Adonis Index

Getting those wide shoulders and tiny waist might seem like something every male fitness influencer has. Yet, you have to remember that they’re influencers because they have that physique and not the other way around. If you have tiny shoulder bones or just poor genetics, you’ll struggle.

Regardless, here are some things to focus on to improve your Adonix Index:

#1 – The Right Training Program

This shouldn’t come as a surprise. The right training program is key if you wanna build the perfect physique, and you better be training damn hard.

Focus on pulling movements that draw the elbows to the base of the spine. This will target the lats and certainly help you appear a lot larger and wider. Examples of these are pull-ups, single-arm pulldowns, and straight-arm pulldowns.

From there, you should be doing a ton of shoulder work. The shoulder is split into three areas — front, middle, and back. Each should be trained weekly. Some examples of shoulder exercises include any overhead presses, lateral raises, and rear delt raises.

While you can’t make your waist circumference smaller, you can make your waist tighter by doing vacuum training. This is simply sucking in your navel towards the base of your spine on an empty stomach for 3 – 5 sets of 15 seconds. (P.S., it’s gonna hurt the first few weeks.)

Core and oblique movements might help as well. Wouldn’t hurt to do some arms, either…

#2 – The Right Diet

If you want targeted, lean muscle growth, you’ll need to be eating like you’re getting paid to do so. Depending on where you are with your ratio right now, you should do the following:

  • Shoulders are too small: This means you should be in a calorie surplus eating 150 – 250 more than maintenance. You should be eating 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight, and you can have a cheat meal once weekly or once every two weeks.
  • Waist is too big: This means you should be in a calorie deficit eating 150 – 250 less than maintenance. You should be eating 1.2 grams of protein per pound of body weight, and you can also incorporate some cardio into your training as well.
  • Ratio is 1:1: You should also be in a calorie surplus and trying to gain muscle. Refer to the ‘Shoulders are too small’ option above for more advice.

#3 – Recover

Your ability to recover from sessions will not only determine if you can lose fat. An inability to recover will also stress your body, causing fat gain and less muscle growth. Essentially, if you don’t recover, you won’t hit the ‘perfect body formula’.

Here are some tips for recovery

  • Limit sets on a certain body part to around 12 – 15 per week.
  • Sleep for more than 7.5 hours per night.
  • Keep your diet rich in healthy foods that digest easily and are low in sugar.
  • Remove stressful people and situations from your life if you can.
  • Certain supplements, like protein supplements and creatine, might help as well.

Other Male Health ‘Markers’

The shoulder-to-waist ratio isn’t the only thing men have to live up to. No, no… there are plenty of other ‘perfect body proportions’ that you, as a male, will be encouraged to meet as well.

No one really ever speaks about this because men don’t really complain about it, and some of these are possible… with a ton of effort:

  • Having thighs that are as big as your waist. Having massive legs is something of a myth for most. However, there are plenty of men who firmly believe that having big legs is non-negotiable. They aim to have thighs that are each just as big as their own waist, a 1:1 ratio. This one is possible.
  • Having arms as big as your lady’s waist. This one is certainly a bit odd, but I’ve come across men who have this standard. This one is pretty unrealistic.
  • Having arms that are bigger than your (big) calves. Coming back to legs, calves are a b*tch to grow. However, when you do get them to grow, you’re gently nudged by the fitness industry to have even larger arms.

Honestly, the only health markers you must worry about are the ones taken in your physical.

What Is the Golden Ratio?

While we would like to believe this system means more than pure body attractiveness, it probably doesn’t. Sure, there are some health measurements here, but there are far better health measurements in the world than the 1.68:1 Golden Ratio.

Getting wider shoulders and a smaller waist will get you a better Adonis index, and now you know how to get that magical ‘V’ shape that everyone envies.

Just focus on these three things:

  • Focus on training the lats and shoulders to be strong and huge.
  • Diet to allow for muscle gains or fat loss (or both!).
  • Recover to allow yourself to develop that perfect physique.



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