Struggling With Sleep? This Technique Reduces Cortisol Levels In The Body

Cortisol is also called to stress hormone.

British expert Dr Catherine Hall has advised to rub the inner part of your wrist two to three times.

Modern lifestyle is all about hectic job schedules and increased stress in life. Due to such stress, getting a good night’s sleep is a huge challenge which takes a toll on the health, mood and other aspects as well. If you want to sleep peacefully at night after a long day of work, then you can try out one easy technique.

British expert Dr Catherine Hall explained a simple technique to fall asleep. According to her, if you are under much stress or very tired and are not able to sleep properly at night, then you can try to rub the inner part of your wrist two to three times. Keep caressing for a minute at least. By doing this, you will feel your eyes getting heavy and droopy and soon you will fall asleep quickly.

Dr Catherine shared that when you are under a lot of stress or fatigued, the cortisol hormones are released in the body. The cortisol hormone is also responsible for controlling blood sugar in the body. An increase in this hormone can affect mood and sleep and this is why cortisol is also referred to as stress hormone.

Due to an increase in cortisol levels, the sleep and wake cycle in the body is affected adversely. To reduce this, in acupressure, there is a pressure point located in the inner side of the wrist. It is a sensitive point and when rubbed, it relieves pain. This reduces the cortisol levels in the body.

She also suggested a few other ways to get sleep at night. She advised people to read books while sleeping at night. If you have a pet at home, caress them for 10 minutes. Apart from these methods, she advises against the use of alcohol at night. In fact, one should avoid drinking alcohol for at least three hours before sleeping at night.

Many experts also advise against drinking aerated and caffeinated drinks, or oily and junk foods right before sleeping. One should do light exercises in the evening and finish their dinner at least two to three hours before hitting the bed.



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