Sports in a woman’s life after childbirth

During pregnancy, women undergo physiological and psychological changes, but after childbirth, a woman’s life changes irrevocably, but this does not mean that you should forget about your own needs. Sports for young mothers, in general, is a must – they will help to restore health, figure, tighten muscles and just improve your health. After all, usually during pregnancy women gain 10-15 pounds, and sometimes more. Immediately after giving birth, young mothers plan to lose weight as soon as possible. For this purpose, already the first days burden themselves with physical exercise, but this does not always go to their benefit.

When can you start exercising after childbirth?

After the birth of a child, the female body on average recovers slowly. That is why you need to know how to get back your desired figure, so as not to damage your health.

The first 2 months after childbirth are the most difficult for a woman because the genitals return to normal within 6-8 weeks. This process may be accompanied by general fatigue, discharge, and even pain. Before starting to exercise, a woman should consult a doctor and make sure there are no contraindications.

Even if a woman was engaged in physical exercise before childbirth and pregnancy, you need to weigh her well-being. Because the body reacts differently to childbirth: some people tolerate it easily, others more severely.

What sports you can do after childbirth

Light exercise is useful after childbirth for all those who gave birth without complications. It can improve your mood, restore vitality and lose a few pounds.

You can go to the swimming pool a few weeks after childbirth. In general, it helps a lot, because the load on the body is very moderate, light, and the woman can relax. However, here it is important to monitor the breasts, so they do not overcook. That is, immediately get out of the pool and wipe dry. Because during lactation is possible inflammation of the breast. If your baby gets a baby formula, then this problem disappears automatically.

For example, visiting water aerobics and fitness classes tighten the skin, develops flexibility, removes cellulite, and is suitable for all women without exception. If you can, you can attend a gym or a group class. If you do not have the opportunity to train at home, there are many videos on social networks that can be used to plan your activities.

During the day, lead an active lifestyle. Long walks in the fresh air bring maximum benefit, both for the mother and for the baby, who sleeps better.

Diet after childbirth

And here we should immediately consider two options because some women feed their babies naturally and the quantity, quality, and types of products consumed, the proper diet of a nursing woman depends on the quality and quantity of breast milk, the duration, and effectiveness of the lactation period. The rest of the women give baby formula, which is very carefully chosen for their children in connection with the inability to use breast milk for various reasons.

For example, the priority in the diet of breastfeeding women is dairy products, fish, meat, and eggs, which provide the baby with all the necessary nutrients. It is also important for breastfeeding mothers to follow a diet and avoid overeating, and long periods of hunger: often eat and in small portions – 5-6 times a day.

Women who are not breastfeeding can be more thorough and rigorous in their diet. Consume less caloric foods in smaller quantities. Prefer vegetables and fruits that promote weight loss. The consumption of grapefruit juice and the fruit itself helps to achieve better weight loss results, but citrus fruits are not desirable when breastfeeding. Because they are strong allergens.

When you want to lose weight, it is very important to maintain a water balance. It regulates all physiological processes in the body of a nursing mother, including lactation (secretion and release of milk). The daily fluid volume is determined based on 30 milliliters per 1 kilogram of body weight of the woman + an additional 1 liter.

 Therefore, a woman in labor, to preserve her emotional and physiological health, simply must find free time to exercise. And her family members should help her to do it. After all, when a mother is healthy and happy, it is the key to family well-being and coziness.


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