Skin cancer symptoms: Woman’s ‘skin lesion’ turned out to be cancerous after check-up

“I did have a standout mole in between my shoulder blades,” she said; it was a skin lesion that felt raised and had changed slightly in size. “That is what triggered my attention.” Wanting it to be seen to quickly, Frances booked an online consultation at The MOLE Clinic. After sending across a few pictures, she was offered an “all-over check” in person.

“I was seen there, in Moorgate, by a nurse, and she did the examination with a magnifying glass.”

Frances was told she had two “melanocytic lesions” that were “ulcerations and basal cell carcinoma”.

“I was glad that I had been diagnosed early enough to have treatment,” Frances said with a sigh of relief.

Basal cell carcinoma (BCC)

This type of skin cancer accounts for more than 80 per cent of all skin cancers in the UK, confirmed the British Skin Foundation.

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If left untreated, BCCs can cause an ulcer – and although they’re usually painless, they can feel itchy or bleed if caught.

Fortunately, “BCCs can be cured in almost every case”, but treatment might be more complicated if it’s been neglected for a long time.

These types of skin lesions “rarely” spread to other parts of the body, so “it is almost never a danger to life”.

Definitely seek medical advice – either from the NHS or privately – if you have any marks or scans on your skin that are:

  • Growing
  • Bleeding and never completely healing
  • Changing appearance in any way

“This meant I would have a further consultation and start treatment straight away, rather than wait for an appointment with my GP and then wait for a referral on the NHS,” she explained.

Frances was recommended Aldara Cream to use on the affected area for six weeks.

“I’ll then have a follow-up appointment to see if this was successful, or if I need the two moles to be surgically removed,” Frances said.

Currently on her third week of using the cream, Frances urged other people to “get checked” for skin cancer.



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