SHRED: Home & Gym Workouts App (Review)

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In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a constant endeavor for many people. Some of us are too busy, some are too lazy, and some just never tried.

Fortunately, technology has provided us with a variety of tools to support our fitness goals, and the SHRED app aims to be one such solution — or so it claims.

Is it really any good, or are you better off Googling your own workout programs? Well, let’s dive in to see what’s what.

What Is the SHRED App?

Well, the SHRED app.. it’s a fitness app. These typically allow you to create or follow a gym workout routine and track your sessions, and the best workout apps will also have a few nifty tricks like food tracking, etc.

But does the SHRED app fit the bill?

With the SHRED app, users can access a huge range of workout programs tailored to their fitness level, time availability, and the equipment they have.

The app offers customizable workouts with video tutorials and exercise demonstrations to ensure proper form and technique. This means not only do you get the workout, but you also get a ‘personal trainer’ to teach you how to actually do the exercise.

The app also emphasizes progress tracking and accountability, which is key to any progress in the fitness realm. Users can track their workouts, measure performance stats, and record body measurements to monitor their progress over time. Again, this is key, regardless of the workout style. Without actual progress monitoring, you’ll never be able to reach new heights.

It’s worth noting that the app has a keen focus on body weight exercises or ‘at home training styles.’ This is probably due to increasing gym prices, and they saw a market.

The app offers a few other goodies, but this is the main feature — workouts.

The website boasts that it’s been featured on Business Insider, GQ, Goop, Apple, and PCMAG. The overall SHRED app reviews are all pretty good, with a 4.8-star Apple Store rating and a 4-star rating on Google Play.

This is on par with other fitness apps on the market, at least the good ones.

Hilariously, they also have a ‘blog.’ Some hits include:

  • Best Bodyweight Workout App
  • Best App For Muscle Building
  • App For CrossFit & Best App For Tracking CrossFit Workouts

Yep, they’re all just relinking back to their own app. This is not only tragic but also insulting. I’m already on your site.. just teach me how to make chicken that’s not dry, man. The best fitness apps on the market all have an actual blog, so this was really disappointing.

SHRED Details & Features

SHRED is like most other fitness apps on the market. You get a bolus of features in most apps, so in order to be relevant, SHRED needs to stand out.

Workout App

As mentioned, the app is — first and foremost — a workout app that acts as a personal trainer. This part of the app works as follows:

  • Upon downloading the app, you’re asked a series of questions to inform the app of your goals, lifestyle, etc.
  • It creates/offers perfectly tuned workouts that would suit your current situation. You also have the option to try different workout programs.

You can also opt to train alongside some of your favorite influencers and coaches (well, ‘alongside’ them), as they uploaded some of their workouts and programs online. You can even choose the intensity of the workout. Nifty!

Extra Features

That said, the workouts are what the app is most about. Unlike some other apps that offer nutrition tracking, SHRED doesn’t. It does, however, offer some other features.

First, there’s the social aspect. You have the opportunity to work out with other fitness fanatics around the world. This allows you to meet new friends and those who might be able to help you with your own progress.

Another factor is the music platform. The app allows you to listen to your own music, which is a massive feature in a world where not everyone has the latest iPhones…

Is this on par with the best workout apps on the market?… Well, somehow. It’s alright for the most part, but it’s not the best.

Who Is SHRED Good for?

Regardless of where the app lands on the spectrum of workout apps, who will actually use it?

Beginners Who Just Need Info

I’ve been a beginner, and back in my day (wow, can’t believe I said that), there were no apps. You got everything on the PC — printed on a piece of paper. This app would be rather good for beginners, especially those who aren’t that interested in learning every single detail of working out.

Average Gym-Goers

Let’s cut to the chase. The SHRED app is not designed for those that take fitness super seriously. It doesn’t offer nutrition or a ton of (real) information, and those things are essential for those that take gymming super seriously. It is, however, great for average gym-goers.

Who Is SHRED Not for?

Those that take training sessions extremely seriously.

While this app creates an incredible community for fun community interactions and helping people have their first workout or make the gym fun, it’s not for those of us that gym every day.

I tried it at the gym for a few sessions, and while it’s okay… it’s not for gym rats. But for the other 80% of the people that go to the gym, it’s perfectly fine!

How Much Does SHRED Cost?

The Shred App costs $99.99 USD a year or $12.99 USD per month for its “Unlimited Training program” subscription.


Is the SHRED App Free?

No. It does, however, offer a free one-week trial in which you get access to a few workouts. Otherwise, if you’re looking to purchase it, you’re looking at $99.99 USD a year or $12.99 USD per month.

What Does the SHRED App Do?

The SHRED App helps you stick to a regular workout schedule by designing and creating workouts according to your current lifestyle. It also helps you track your workouts effectively.

SHRED Alternative

Freeletics vs SHRED

Freeletics is a hard competitor to beat. It offers so much for the price, and I’ve been quoted saying it’s one of the best value apps on the market.

SHRED doesn’t stand a chance against Freeletics. SHRED doesn’t offer nutrition, and while it’s just as ‘pretty,’ the ergonomics simply don’t match Freeletics.

SHRED Reviews

SHRED has been on the receiving end of a lot of reviews, so let’s see what others are saying!

“I’ve used both extensively (9 months Fitbod and 6 months Shred) and after a while I found Shred to be more effective as the session blocks are put together by humans. Fitbod after a while would get stuck in the same rut, always giving the same exercises and avoiding others (like, it would never give me squats, only leg press). I’d say you’ll find shred workouts to be tougher but [well-engineered]. I enjoy it a lot.” – Reddit user

“Shred has more [variety] in its daily workouts – e.g. it never tells you to do 5 sets in a row but has circuits of slightly different exercises. On the other hand you can’t choose the equipment – so it [basically] uses barbells, [dumbbells], some machines, Smith machine, pull-ups, and cables.” – Reddit user

The Biggest Pro of the SHRED App

SHRED was designed to be approachable. It was designed to be used by the masses, and that’s a huge plus. That means most people on the planet will be able to use it and build the community effectively — especially when we consider the social aspect of the shop.

The Biggest Con of the SHRED App

It’s limited in its usage. It doesn’t offer nutrition tracking or a real blog. Sure, this allows them to put more effort into the training sessions, but more would’ve been nice. Like, a blog. Come on.

Final Thoughts

There’s really nothing about the SHRED app that sets my soul on fire. Whereas other fitness apps might have you eager to use it or excited to learn something, this one doesn’t. It pitches up for work, does its job, and goes home.

While this is perfectly fine, if I were to spend my money on a workout app, I’d go for something that offers more. More options. More features.

Frankly, compared to Freeletics or FitBod, it puts up a decent fight, but in the end, it doesn’t win a single battle or the war.

That said, if you’re a beginner and you just want a workout app for your few sessions a week, this is perfectly fine. Don’t expect too much, though.

Rating: 4.0 out of 5



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