Safety Guidelines For New Year Celebrations Amid Covid-19 Pandemic

After having navigated our ways through COVID-19 this year, we all are definitely looking forward to this new year for a fresh beginning ushering in a ray of hope. So, don’t let the pandemic woes dampen your spirit.

Let’s ring in the new year with some fun and of course by not forgetting the very important safety measures.

Staying indoors is the safest way though. However, if you wish to invite some trusted, close-knit friends over to your place or visit someone, remember to stick to the safety protocol at any cost.

You can have a fun-filled, exciting celebration by adhering to the following precautionary measures:

1. Wear masks, wear them correctly: First and foremost safety measure is to wear your mask; and that too in the correct fashion. Do not wear it to cover your double chin or just the lips. Make sure that your mask covers your nose and don’t keep touching the mask, repeatedly. It is advisable to keep a spare mask in your bag. You must not step out without a mask; even if you are just taking a walk in your garden and planning to catch up with your neighbour on the other side of the fence- mask is a must. When you are at home and want to take it out, grab it by its strap or string and unmask yourself. Wash hands immediately after that.

2. Wash Hands: Taking cue from the last line of the first precautionary measure, washing hands is absolutely mandatory. Wash your hands for 20 seconds with a good hand-wash. Keep a sanitizer handy always. Make sure that the sanitizer has at least 70% alcohol content in it.

3. Make room for ample Ventilation: Ensure that the place you are visiting or inviting your guests over- has ample room for people to breathe, not feel congested and move around and maintain 6-feet distance, whenever needed. Outdoor party in the garden area or the terrace is preferable during these circumstances. Avoid crowding. Disinfect frequently touched surfaces, keep windows open. Stay indoors if you are feeling sick.

4. Make provision for disposable plates, cups: Talk to your guests and have a responsible, safe party regarding the utensils that will be used at the party. You can carry your own food to the party or guest can do the same. Whatever you agree upon, make sure that the food is heated well and served hot. Avoid canned foods and condiment packets that are cold.

5. Drink hot water with lime, ginger: Whenever you come back from a public place, make it a habit to consume hot water. You can have green tea with ginger, lime in it as well. Make sure to stay hydrated.

6. Virtual parties: Have a safe, carefree party from the comforts of your home while being virtually connected with your friends, loved ones. You can have a virtual countdown at midnight to ring in the new year; have dinner, watch a livestreamed firework display, concert-all together, virtually.

Follow these safety guidelines for new-year celebrations. After all, we have successfully made it through this pandemic-ridden year! This is reason enough to celebrate. So, welcome the new year with fun and frolic. Have a great year ahead!



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