Parenting Tips: 5 Ways To Start Your Child’s Day On A Right Note

Begin each morning by embracing your child.

Before starting your morning routine, sit down and have a conversation with your child.

Parenting is not just a responsibility, but an art. Parents play a pivotal role in shaping a child’s future. Every aspect of a child’s day, from morning to night, hinges on parental influence. Both positive actions and inadvertent mistakes wield significant impact on a child’s mood and well-being. Parenting supports and promotes the mental, physical, social, spiritual and cognitive development of the child. Parenting can vary based on cultural beliefs and different opinions about how to bring discipline, set rules, and expect obedience from children. Deputy Representative of UNICEF Georgia Amy Clancy once said, “Parenting is the most important job in the world.”

On this note, let’s take a look at how to start your children’s day the right way.

Start the day with warmth: Begin each morning by embracing your child with a hug and kiss, fostering genuine warmth and affection from the outset. Simple gestures like saying ‘good morning’ can set a positive tone for the day.

Engage in conversation: Before starting your morning routine, take a few minutes to sit down and have a conversation with your child. This small yet significant interaction fosters emotional connection and happiness.

Encourage dreams and aspirations: Show genuine interest in your child’s dreams and aspirations, allowing them to express their subconscious thoughts and feelings. This not only nurtures happiness but also provides an avenue for addressing any concerns they may have.

Express love and appreciation: Verbally expressing love and appreciation to your child will cheer them up. For example, say, ‘I want to see your happy face first thing in the morning’. This will boost their self-esteem and help create a sense of security.

Understand expectations: Take time to understand your child’s expectations and strive to meet them, igniting their enthusiasm for the day ahead. Providing guidance and support for learning opportunities further enhances their sense of fulfilment.

These are a few strategies that parents can use to foster positive interactions and nurture their child’s emotional well-being, which will lay the foundation for a bright and fulfilling future.



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