Painkiller warning: Can you take paracetamol and ibuprofen together?

Can you take paracetamol and ibuprofen together?

Most people can take both painkillers safely, though there are a few groups such as epileptics and those with heart, liver and kidney problems who should consult their GP or pharmacist before taking these common medicines.

In terms of taking them together, NHS advice clearly states that it is generally safe to combine both paracetamol and ibuprofen if you are 16 or over.

The NHS said: “It is safe to take paracetamol with other types of painkillers that don’t contain paracetamol, such as ibuprofen, aspirin and codeine.

“Do not take paracetamol alongside other medicines that contain paracetamol.

“If you take two different medicines that contain paracetamol, there’s a risk of overdose.”



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