Ovarian cancer symptoms: When your stomach pain is something serious – key signs explained

What’s the difference between ovarian cancer symptoms and IBS?

Irritable bowel syndrome can wreak havoc on your stomach, causing sharp pains, bloating, swelling and general discomfort – all common signs of ovarian cancer.

Keep an eye on your toilet habits if you are concerned about ovarian cancer as constipation and diarrhoea are more likely to indicate IBS than a cancerous tumour.

Unlike ovarian cancer, IBS will have external triggers like food and stress, so keep track of when your symptoms occur.

Symptoms of Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

PMS is directly linked to your menstrual cycle and is less common in older women who are more at risk of ovarian cancer.

While the physical symptoms of these two conditions overlap, PMS has a clear effect on your mental health and emotions as well as your body.

If your’re experiencing the physical symptoms of ovarian cancer, keep an eye on other changes including your food cravings, sleeping pattern, moods, social urges and sex drive to distinguish between the two.



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