Olive oil ‘could save your life’ – but you need to have it at a certain time of day

Just one spoonful of this everyday kitchen item “could save your life”. Olive oil, often known as “liquid gold,” is packed with healthy stuff like antioxidants that you don’t get in other fats.

Research says switching to olive oil can make you healthier. It’s famous for helping with constipation, a common tummy trouble that makes lots of people go to the doctor.

“Constipation happens because your colon (large intestine) absorbs too much water from your poop. This dries out your poop, making it hard in consistency and difficult to push out of your body,” says a report from the Cleveland Clinic.

Olive oil has fats that make the inside of your colon smooth and help your poop soak up water so it’s softer.

READ MORE: Olive oil under threat due to a bacteria killing trees in the Mediterranean

Eating more olive oil might also cut down your risk of dementia, a big cause of death around the world.

“Some antioxidant compounds in olive oil can cross the blood-brain barrier, potentially having a direct effect on the brain,” Dr. Anne-Julie Tessier from Harvard explained. “It is also possible that olive oil has an indirect effect on brain health by benefiting cardiovascular health.”

Olive oil, a key part of the Mediterranean diet, has been proven to reduce the risk of heart disease and death from all causes.

Other studies suggest that just over half a tablespoon of the oil can lower the risk of dying from respiratory diseases, neurological conditions, and cancer.

Still not sure how much olive oil should you have each day?

It’s beneficial to have one or two teaspoons first thing in the morning when you’re hungry. This allows the oil to coat your stomach, aiding digestion, eliminating waste, and controlling gut bacteria throughout the day.

Wondering what kind of olive oil is best?

There are many types of olive oil, with flavours and properties varying based on the type of olives used and how many times they’re pressed. Some oils are heated to extract as much liquid as possible from the fruit, but extra virgin olive oil is made using a cold-pressing method without refinement, preserving some antioxidants and bioactive compounds.

Experts recommend drizzling a spoonful of extra virgin olive oil over your food to get as many nutrients as possible.



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