New Study Explores Correlation Between Breast Cancer and Impotency Among Men


Even though cases of breast cancer in men are rare, a study that correlates the disease to impotency has surfaced. In this study, researchers studied 1998 men with breast cancer in England and Wales. Of these, 112 people self-reported to be impotent and 383 people said that they did not have children.

The Institute of Cancer Research in London and the authors of this study investigated the relationship between impotence and breast cancer risk. The conclusions of this study were published in the Journal of Breast Cancer Research.

Michael Jones, a senior researcher at the Institute of Cancer, London, and his colleagues studied men diagnosed with breast cancer between 2005 and 2017. These 1998 men were then compared with 1597 men in the control group who weren’t blood relatives. Of these, 80 men reported impotency.

In the study, the Invasive Breast Cancer Tumor was found to be related to impotency in men. These tumours are cancerous cells that after developing in one organ spread to another. The study found that 47 people, roughly 2.6% of the control group, had breast cancer, while 22 (1.4%) did not. In this case, researchers weren’t able to associate the risk of breast cancer with infertility.

Researchers also found no significant association between infertility and situ breast cancer, which is not invasive. The study also included alcohol, smoking, family background of breast cancer, and risk factors for liver disease to make the analysis more sensitive in their study. However, this too did not play any role in the outcome of the study.

Mr Jones also stated that there was not enough information about the causes of breast cancer in men. He said that the cases are low and that whatever studies have been done are also limited.

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