Monkeypox: Key symptoms include fever, headaches, muscle aches and swollen glands – Dr Hil

The expert explained that monkeypox presents clinically with a rash that is comparable to the breakouts seen with smallpox. Because the two diseases are related, both can be treated using the same vaccine. Monkeypox, however, isn’t nearly as dangerous as smallpox, noted Dr Hilary. The symptoms of the disease, however, could persist for up to two weeks.

Doctor Hilary told Lorraine: “[Monkeypox] is usually confined to central and Western Africa, and it is often seen in people who come into contact with infected animals, like rodents, but it can be passed on through close contact between one human to another.

“This is the kind of rash that it causes, it does look very much like smallpox, which thankfully has been eradicated.

“Actually, the vaccine, which we’re currently ordering in, for monkeypox, is the same as the smallpox vaccine.

“The viruses are similar in some ways, but this isn’t nearly as dangerous as smallpox.

“In mild cases, this is a fever, a headache, muscle aches, enlarged glands for maybe two weeks or so before people recover.”



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