Menopause skin: The 4 ways menopause takes a toll on your skin

We’re all well aware of what skin ageing entails, and wrinkles, age spots, easy bruising and jowls are the typical signs we expect to see as we get older. However, once you’ve been through menopause there are a few more changes that can occur in your skin. chatted to skin expert Abbey Conley from Young LDN to find out the four ways menopause changes your skin and reveals how to get your glow back.

Menopausal acne

You might think you’ve seen the last of spots as you approach middle age, but that’s not necessarily the case.

Abbey said: “When we go through menopause our hormone levels constantly rise and fall in the same way as expected during teenage years.

“This has an effect on the body’s sebaceous gland and triggers it to produce more sebum – in simpler terms, this means that our skin becomes more congested and prone to breakouts.

“And although acne rates do decline with age, the skin can behave more unpredictably during menopause, even if you have enjoyed clear skin for many years, and especially if it’s not taken care of properly.”

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How to look after your skin after menopause

You don’t have to put up with the uncomfortable skin symptoms associated with menopause if you don’t want to.

If your skin is dry, switch to a non-drying cleanser and use lots of serum and moisturiser to restore moisture to the skin.

If your skin is really sensitive, stop using harsh acids on your skin and use gentle products that don’t worsen the problem.

Acne is a tricky problem to solve, but always remember to take your makeup off and consider using a salicylic acid cleanser to exfoliate your skin and unclog blocked pores.



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