How to live longer: Five key tips to live healthier in older age

“Good quality sleep is great for your health, but it’s important to get the right amount,” he said.

“If possible, try to go to sleep and wake up around the same time every day and avoid sleeping in late during the weekends.”

Bear in mind that “sleeping more than nine hours could lower your lifespan by around 38 percent”.

Five tips for longevity:

  1. Eat healthy plant foods
  2. Monitor your calories
  3. Keep active
  4. Reduce alcohol intake
  5. Create a strong sleep routine.

These “simple lifestyle changes” can help to improve your physical and mental health, increasing the chances of living a long and happy life.

For more information on how to live well into older life, visit the NHS website.

The health body offers information on improving your sleep, eating well, and exercise.

Navin Khosla is the Medical Writer at NiceRx.



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