Here’s How To Take Charge Of Your Goals In 2023

Edited By: Swati Chaturvedi

Last Updated: January 21, 2023, 10:22 IST

When you take actions in alignment of your desires and goals, the path starts to open up and you receive all the help you need. You’ll be unstoppable

Knowing what we want and having a clear intention helps to make bring those opportunities into our life

To take charge of your future in 2023, it’s important to set clear goals and make a plan to achieve them. This may involve creating a budget, developing a career plan, or working on personal projects. It’s also important to take care of your physical and mental health, and to build a support network of friends and family. Additionally, it may be helpful to stay informed about current events and be open to new opportunities. Remember to be flexible and adapt your plans as needed.

Puja Puneet, Life Coach, Founder & CEO, Life By Design and Dr. Saloni Singh, India’s Leading Life, Leadership & Self-mastery Coach, Author, Podcaster, Mindfulness trainer

  1. Start with clarity of vision – Knowing what we want and having a clear intention helps to make bring those opportunities into our life.

  1. Believe It’s On Its Way – Any delay is just preparation not punishment. The more we can keep the faith and surrender shutting down negative thoughts by actually saying this thought is not assisting me towards the future I want I choose to let it go.
  1. Visualise Daily – This practice helps you create the thought clearly in your mind’s eye and once we can see it there we can be rest assured it’s only a matter of time for it now manifest in our physical environment.
  1. Take Inspired and Obvious Actions – Obvious actions are exercise and diet control for losing weight yet once we align ourselves to manifestation we will get nudges that may not be direct but will get related like I feel like eating Chinese so u follow that and meet your classmate who is a fabulous Pilates teacher next to your house now. 
  1. Mind your thoughts

To take full charge of your future, you must take charge of your thoughts and who you’re being? If you think negative thoughts and doubt yourself, if you’re being fearful or angry, beat yourself and others for small mistakes, you’ll have negative consequences.

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  1. Growth mindset

When you cultivate a growth mindset, you start to look for the opportunity and openings in every situation, rather than complaining. Set your goals, and then align all your thoughts, feelings, energy and actions in the direction of your goals.

When you take actions in alignment of your desires and goals, the path starts to open up and you receive all the help you need. You’ll be unstoppable.

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