Help Your Child Get Rid Of Online Gaming Addiction With These Simple Steps


In today’s era of the internet, children have become used to being glued to the screens for their daily dose of entertainment. In the age of playing games outdoors with their friends, most of them choose to sit in the comforts of their homes and play games on mobile phones, computer sets or laptops. However, what a lot of parents don’t know is that the excessive use of online gaming can lead to depression, anxiety and social phobia among kids.

It can also prove to be a roadblock to the overall development of a child. Therefore, read on to know about some easy ways that can help your little one get rid of online gaming addiction.

Arrange Active Indoor And Outdoor Activities For Children

As a parent, you should plan other alternative activities to online games for your children. For instance, it can be a simple game of carrom where your child is having a fun time playing and interacting with his/her friends. Mountain bike trails, adventure trips, or other outdoor activities can also help them stay away from spending hours playing games online.

Keep A Track Of Time Spent Playing Video Games

You can ask your child or even keep a record yourself of how many hours they spend playing video games in a day. Keep a track of the hours they spend online for 1 or 2 weeks. At the end of this period, share the stats of the total time with them to make them realise how much of their free time was wasted playing video games. It may prompt them to keep online gaming at bay to a great extent.

Have A Conversation With Your Child Without Getting Agitated

You don’t have to disengage your children from video games, rather help them find the right balance between online and offline games. Explain to them politely that studies and other activities are equally important to video games. Losing your calm at them for being addicted to online games will only make it even more difficult for you to have a proper conversation with them.

Play Their Favourite Online Games With Them

By doing this, you can keep a tab on how much time they are spending on online games. This can also help you monitor that the characters in their games are not indulging in obscene or violent behaviour. The portrayal of such behaviours can have a detrimental effect on the mental health of a child.

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