Having Iron Or Vitamin Deficiency? Here’s The Best Time To Take Supplements

These drugs might cause serious complications too.

Due to our unhealthy lifestyle and bad eating habits, deficiency problems are pretty common these days.

We’ve often seen people having Vitamin, Calcium, or Iron deficiency in their bodies. Due to unhealthy lifestyle and bad eating habits, these problems are pretty common these days. To deal with this situation, doctors prescribe various supplementary medicines to reduce the symptoms of deficiency. But beware! These drugs might cause serious complications too. In several cases, people have raised issues that even after taking these multivitamins or zinc tablets, they still feel weakness in their bodies. Dr Smita Patil, Homoeopathic Physician, Cosmetologist, and Nutrition Consultant, said in a video that these problems occur when people don’t consume their medicines at the right time.

This means it’s important for you to know at what time the particular deficient supplement must be taken. If you’re also the one who’s facing any kind of deficiency read below the right time-table to take such medicines:

Vitamin D3

It is one of the most common deficiencies which is primarily related to the bones and muscle problems in the body. It’s better to take the Vitamin D3 tablets in the morning after you’ve had your breakfast.


Iron supplements must be taken on an empty stomach or before you have your first meal of the day. Some people have complained that they feel uneasy, nauseous, or feel like vomiting after consuming Iron tablets on an empty stomach. If you also feel like this, then try to take the medicine after having your food.


Low magnesium may cause headaches, or weakness in the body, and even nausea. If you’re the one who takes Magnesium tablets then the best time to consume it is in the night, before you go to sleep.


Zinc tablets must be taken on an empty stomach in the morning. At least 1 to 2 hours before your first meal.


Lower potassium levels might cause low blood pressure, muscle cramps, excessive urination, or thirst. To overcome it, Potassium tablets must be consumed in the morning. But too much potassium can cause severe heart problems too. Consult a doctor before taking Potassium tablets.


Another common deficiency found in the body. The best time to take Iodine supplements is after your meal or with food.



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