Hair loss treatment: Prevent alopecia symptoms and stimulate hair growth with onion juice

Hair loss can be a natural part of the ageing process, and most of the time, it’s nothing to worry about. We can even lose up to 100 hairs on our bodies every day, without even noticing. But you could prolong the life of your locks by regularly using onion juice, it’s been revealed.

Losing your hair could be caused by a number of different conditions, said the NHS.

Stress, weight loss, or even an iron deficiency can lead to some form of hair loss.

But there are some home treatments you can use that might help to prevent some types of hair loss, including alopecia.

One of the easiest ways to stimulate hair growth at home is to simply use onion juice on your scalp, it’s been claimed.

READ MORE: Hair loss treatment – liquid to increase hair growth

“Onions, normally seen as a humble kitchen staple, may have uses other than simply adding flavor to our food,” it said.

“It might sound surprising, but onion juice is also a home remedy for hair loss.

“Nutrients in the onion juice applied to the hair may nourish the hair follicles, which might increase volume, shine, and improve hair strength.

“The sulfur in onion juice may provide the hair with the nourishment it needs to grow. It may also increase the growing phase of the hair.”

If you do decide to use onion juice on your hair, all you need is around four onions.

Peel and chop them into small chunks, and then squeeze or juice them.

Simply apply the juice directly to your scalp, and and allow it to settle on your hair roots.

If you’d rather not have to deal with the potent smell, there are some essential oils already available that could mask the scent of onion juice – including peppermint or lavender oil.

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