Hair loss treatment: Freeze-dried coconut water formulation may reverse alopecia

A study published in the journal Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology, a natural formulation that included freeze-dried coconut water significantly improved hair growth.

The clinical study was designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a hair serum formulation containing freeze-dried coconut water, amla extract, and the micronutrient selenium along with sandalwood odorant and peanut shell extract in healthy male and female volunteers with hair loss.

A total of 42 subjects were enrolled and completed the study and they used the test product daily for 90 days.

TrichoScan® was used to evaluate the efficacy of the test product for improving hair growth rate, hair density, anagen hair, telogen hair, and the density of vellus and terminal hair (the stages of hair growth).

READ MORE: Hair loss treatment: Green tea can prevent balding and increases hair growth



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