Hair loss: Study points to androgen alopecia increasing a man’s COVID-19 severity

A new study has revealed that bald men are more likely to suffer with severe COVID-19. The interesting findings linked a biomarker relating to hair loss, with severe COVID-19 infections.

Male pattern baldness, or androgenetic alopecia, is a common type of hair loss said to affect around 50 percent of men aged over 50.

It is thought to be caused by both genetic and hormonal factors.

The DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) hormone changes the scalp’s hair follicles, causing them to become smaller and shorter in length and, eventually, the hair follicles shrink completely and stop producing new hair.

This type of hair loss tends to follow the same pattern with the hairline receding while hair starts to fall out from the top of the head.

Currently, there is no cure for male pattern baldness. However, new treatments are constantly being developed to help treat the condition.

While there isn’t a cure for androgenetic alopecia, there are some ways to treat it.

Using oral and topical treatments can help to slow its progression.

Hair transplant surgery may also be available depending upon the severity of the condition.

A hair loss expert can advise on the most appropriate treatment option.



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