Hair Extensions for Volume and Fullness | Celebrity Hair Extensions

You probably can recognize hair extensions when you see ’em, right? But what about when you don’t? So many celebrities (like, so many) are wearing hair extensions that the untrained eye would probably never notice — because said extensions aren’t being used to add navel-grazing length, but overall fullness.

Ah, fullness — perhaps the greatest difference-maker between what society would deem “average” hair and exceptional, shampoo commercial-worthy hair. And for the approximately 30 million of us who have reported dealing with hair loss and thinning as caused by genetics, it remains particularly elusive. 

Of course, celebrities aren’t immune to this phenomenon — nor are they all born with naturally thick, luscious hair. But they are ahead of the curve when it comes to understanding the versatility of extensions. 

The Declassification of Extensions

Specialist Priscilla Valles says she’s added extensions to styles of all sorts — bobs, lobs, you name it — with the goal of making hair appear more voluminous. A scroll through her Instagram is case in point: You’ll see the waist-long extensions she applied on Kim Kardashian, sure — but you’ll also see how she used extensions to amp up Hailey Bieber‘s shoulder-length cut.

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Valles wasn’t always able to share her work so publicly. As recently as six years ago, Valles says she was “signing confidentiality agreements left and right.” Celebrities weren’t keen to let the world know — or even so much as imply — that the hair on their head was not, in fact, all theirs. 

Hairstylist and extensions expert Takisha Sturdivant-Drew has also had clients ask her to remain hush-hush: “I’m like, ‘But don’t you want people to know the truth, especially young kids who look up to you?’ [Those kids] will be sitting there wondering, how can I get [hair like] that? It’s better to be honest.”



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