From the Colour to Matching Socks, The Common Shoe Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Make

When it comes to fashion, only a few things can let a person effectively assess the status and personality of others. Shoes have long been believed to be a strong indicator of a person’s fashion choices or even characteristics.

They play an important role in enhancing your overall personality and outfit. One small mistake in your choice of shoes can make a disastrous first impression. Here are a few things you need to keep in mind when you make your next shoe purchase.

Wrong choice of colours:

If you are wearing light colour pants, avoid donning dark-coloured shoes with them. You should style shoes of dark colour with formal or business outfits instead.

Matching socks

Do not wear socks of any colour regardless of the colour of the shoes you are wearing. Always try to match colours. If not exactly, then at least of the same shade.

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Avoid wearing shiny black shoes with jeans

Although it’s not ideal, lads frequently pair jeans with sparkling black shoes. Such shiny shoes ought to be worn with a suit, a tux, or coat pants. Sports shoes go well with jeans instead.

Wear socks along with shoes

Many men, either in a hurry or for other reasons, do not wear socks and only don shoes. It may be convenient to you but it does not give out a graceful look. If you have trouble with socks then you can wear seamless socks.

Boat or sneaker shoes

If you want to wear boat shoes or sneaker shoes, then the best outfit for this is shorts, chinos or Bermuda.

Polish your black shoes

Black shoes that look mucky or stained can totally destroy your look. No matter how much of a hurry you are in, remember to polish your shoe before you head out.

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