Diabetes: Two ways to naturally boost insulin levels that’s not diet or exercise

As the pancreas tires from overproducing insulin that is not doing its job effectively, the organ may give up completely, meaning you need to get your insulin source elsewhere.

Why does the body need insulin?

Insulin is the key hormone that enables the body’s cells to absorb glucose. Glucose is regarded as the energy source for all cells in the body.

The participants’ ability to regulate blood sugar worsened compared to those who slept for eight hours or more.

“Fortunately, catching up on lost sleep can reverse the effects of poor sleep on insulin resistance,” Healthline added.

Another key tip – that is not diet related or exercise (which are two very great ways to control diabetes) – is to reduce feelings of stress.

“Stress affects your body’s ability to regulate blood sugar,” Healthline stated.

Feelings of stress are said to encourage the body to go into “fight-or-flight” mode, stimulating the stress hormones cortisol and glucagon.

These hormones break down glycogen – a form of stored sugar – into glucose, which then enters the bloodstream for the body to use as a quick source of energy.

As a consequence, glucose (a form of sugar) builds up in the bloodstream.

High blood sugar can be damaging to the arteries, and it can lead to further health complications.

Stress hormones also aggravate type 2 diabetes, as the body becomes even more resistant to insulin.

To help manage levels of stress, it can be helpful to practise deep breathing.

Other options include meditation and moving the body to let go of stressful feelings.

Type 2 diabetes management also benefits from regular exercise, a healthy diet, and taking medication if necessary.



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