Diabetes symptoms: The two smelly signs of high blood sugar in your mouth

Inflamed and bleeding gums

It’s well documented that people with diabetes are at a higher risk of developing gum disease.

However, research is starting to show the link works both ways; gum disease and infection can increase your blood sugar levels. They both influence each other, suggesting if one has developed, there’s an increased risk of the other developing too.

Because diabetes can raise the level of glucose in your mouth, this can make your mouth a fertile place for bacteria to grow.

High blood sugars also make it harder for your body to fight infection, meaning your gums can stay infected causing bad breath.

As well as being a possible symptom of diabetes, this can lead to even more serious events such as heart attacks and strokes.

This combination of increased bacteria levels and inflammation may damage the blood vessels which supply your heart and brain, which may link to heart disease and stroke.



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