Diabetes diet: The four best spices to ‘provide relief’ from high blood sugar symptoms

Diabetes is a common medical condition that could cause blood sugar levels to go too high. But making just a few simple changes to your food choices could be the easiest way to lower your risk of unwanted diabetes symptoms.

About five million people in the UK have been diagnosed with diabetes.

Most of these cases are caused by type 2 diabetes, which is where the body struggles to produce enough of the hormone insulin.

Insulin is needed by the body to convert sugar in the blood into energy.

Seeing as some patients don’t produce enough insulin – or their body doesn’t react in the same way to insulin – it can lead to high blood sugar.

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“Treatments include lifestyle strategies and sometimes medication, but some complementary therapies, such as herbs and supplements, may help,” said medical website Medical News Today.

“Herbs and supplements cannot cure diabetes and or be a standalone treatment.

“But some, in combination with conventional treatment, may provide relief from diabetes symptoms and reduce the risk of complications.”

These are the four spices you should consider adding to your diet to lower your risk of diabetes.



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