Blume Latte Blends Make ‘Fancy’ Coffee Full of Benefits

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At the risk of an eye roll from all the coffee purests out there, I’m what many might call an “elevated” coffee drinker. When I see a menu board with beverage options like vanilla rose lattes or honey hibiscus iced coffee, I perk up immediately (yes, even before there is caffeine in my system). After all, when properly executed, a zhuzhed-up cup of coffee can be a delicious pick-me-up, an all-encompassing sensory experience, and self-care moment all in one.

It’s also a habit that can get pricey real quick. The going rate for a flavored latte is about $7—that’s $210 a month if you make it a daily ritual. And as delicious as fancy lattes are, they aren’t exactly nutrient-rich; the syrups are full of sugar, and when combined with the umpteen espresso shots, you’re looking at a looming sugar-slash-caffeine crash that will take hours to overcome. What’s a fancy coffee drinker to do? That’s where Blume latte blends comes in.

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The powdered drink blend company has flavors that rival even the trendiest cafe: Think Rose London Fog, Cacao Turmeric, and Matcha Coconut. Each ‘fairy dust’ (as I see them) is ready to be blended to make a decadent latte or tea—with caffeine or without. And unlike beverages made with syrups, adding Blume to your drink actually makes it healthier because the powders are made with nutrient-rich herbs and other wholesome ingredients.

My favorite Blume blend is Blue Lavender ($21) made with lavender, coconut milk, and blue spirulina. I’ve been sipping it in the evening with warmed oat milk as a way to chill out before bed. Lavender is known as the “plant for peace” because it’s so closely-linked to quelling anxiety.

Watch the video below to learn about more herbs for anxiety:

The blue spirulina in the blend is a type of algae that’s a complete nutrient powerhouse. It has B vitamins, iron, potassium, and magnesium, which has been shown to support sound sleep. Blue spirulina is also packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties and may lower blood pressure.

How’s that for something exceedingly soothing and stress-reducing to replace those high-sugar syrups?

I’ve also come to find that the act of making the lavender lattes is meditative and adds to the moment. I spend my time heating the oat milk on the stove and then using a matcha whisk and bowl to add the powder to it. As the powder mixes with the milk, the aroma immediately starts to relax me. I’ve come to savor the few minutes it takes to make it just as much as enjoying the drink.

You can, of course, also sip Blume’s Blue Lavender blend in the morning—to give it a caffeinated kick, simply add a shot or two of espresso or mix it into your cold brew coffee. The smooth, creamy flavor of the coconut makes it a perfect match for your morning joe. You should also try stirring the blend into overnight oats, chia pudding, energy balls, or fruit smoothies to give your breakfast a boost of anti-inflammatory benefits, too.

In each Blume latte blend bag, there are 30 servings, making the cost about 70 cents a serving—way cheaper than what I’m used to paying at my local cafe. With less money and more health benefits, this stress-quelling self-care habit is an absolute win. Now I’m just trying to figure out which blend to try next.

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