Best supplements for weight loss: Garcinia cambogia can burn fat


The prevalence of overweight and obesity has increased tremendously over the last decade. A wide variety of weight management strategies are presently available, and some involve the use of dietary supplements marketed as slimming aids. Could a supplement help with your weight loss?

In a study published in Hindawi, the use of garcinia extract as a weight loss supplement was analysed.

The study noted: “Garcinia cambogia is usually marketed as a weight loss supplement either alone or in combination with other supplements.

“Some authors have suggested it causes weight loss by competitively inhibiting the enzyme adenosine triphosphatase-citrate-lyase.

“The supplement has also been reported to increase the release or availability of serotonin in the brain, thereby leading to appetite suppression.

The study found the supplement, that on average, caused weight loss of about two pounds (0.88 kg) over several weeks.


Reports regarding weight loss with the use of garcinia cambogia have been conflicting.

In another study published in Jama Network, garcinia cambogia as a potential anti-obesity agent was further analysed.

The study involved a twelve-week randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial with overweight men and women.

Subjects were randomised to receive either active herbal compound or a placebo, and both groups were prescribed a high-fibre, low-energy diet.

There’s no single rule that applies to everyone, but to lose weight at a safe and sustainable rate of 0.5 to one kilogram a week, most people are advised to reduce their energy intake by 600 calories a day,” explains the NHS.

For most men, this will mean consuming no more than 1,900 calories a day, and for most women, no more than 1,400 calories a day.

According to the NHS, the best way to achieve this is to swap unhealthy and high-energy food choices – such as fast food, processed food and sugary drinks (including alcohol) – for healthier choices.



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