7 Tips for Proper Eye Care


Excellent and precise vision is essential in carrying out daily errands, tasks at home, work, and even at play. There is a greater sense of comfort in seeing clearly and in detail. Therefore, we must take an active role in performing eye care measures in our daily routine. Eyesight is one of the overlooked human abilities as seeing comes naturally to us. Here are seven simple tips to do to maintain a healthy vision.

Proper nutrition practices

A healthy diet that likewise targets excellent vision is rich in Vitamin A, C, E, and fatty acids. These are protective antioxidants that fortify the integrity of the macula, the central part of the retina. These antioxidants defy the free radicals brought about by sun exposure, tobacco consumption, and fatty diets. In addition, a high-fat diet encourages deposit build-up in the arteries that are vessels of oxygen and nutrients from the bloodstream to the eyes. Ultimately, a lifetime of a healthy balanced diet of cold-water fish, fruits, green leafy vegetables, grains, beans, and nuts can protect the eyes and reduce the risk of eye diseases.

Minimize device usage

With the advancement in technology, we spend too much of our time and lives on our devices. As a result, we subject our eyes to high-energy blue light. These wavelength emissions are harmful because of prolonged exposure that leads to eye strain and dry eyes. Here are some practical tips to follow when using your computers and devices:

  • Adjust lighting or glare at a minimum. There are devices with comfort settings that can shield the eyes from harmful rays. Always choose these options for your phones and computers.
  • Observe the 20-20-20 rule. It is an exercise of taking a break from devices every 20 minutes, focusing on an object for 20 seconds and 20 feet away.
  • Adjust and set up the computer screen within 20-24 inches of your eye.
  • Use lubricating eye drops to soothe irritated and dry eyes. For persistent and uncomfortable symptoms of dry eyes and flares, seek medical attention immediately for proper dry eye treatment.

Enough snooze time

A full 7 to 8-hour sleep can make the difference in your general health, outlook, and eye health.  Sometimes it also helps to close your eyes in the middle of the day to give them a rest from all the visual stimulation.

Get enough exercise

Incorporate at least 90 minutes of exercise into your weekly routine. Enough and regular exercise improves blood circulation that is significant in vision functions.

Stop smoking

Tobacco smoke encourages constriction in blood vessels and arteries, affecting eye functions and oxygen and nutrient delivery. Therefore, it is best to quit smoking early on.

Wash hands regularly

With the recent global pandemic, we have established that our eyes are vulnerable to viruses and bacteria. Frequent handwashing is the primary protection against infection of the eye surface. Therefore, it is crucial to practice proper handwashing before touching the eyes and before and after wearing contact lenses.

Wear sunglasses

Protect the eyes from harmful ultraviolet rays (UVA and UVB) from the sun by the consistent wearing of sunglasses and full brim hats and caps.

Integrate these proper eye care tips into your daily routine, and most importantly, take active steps to be wary about your eyes and vision. The best way to be on top of it is a regular trip to a licensed practitioner to spot degenerative symptoms and habits to form and veer away from.


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