Brave young Tilly survives cancer battle with the help of her sister


Love and devotion from little sister Clara, two, who has been by her side through gruelling months of treatment, “gave her the purpose to survive”. Tilly, now four, is in remission, and Clara is with her “every step of the way”.

Her mother Hannah, 28, who lives with partner Oliver, 30, in Castleford, West Yorks, said: “Tilly and Clara have always been incredibly close. This bond gave her the purpose to survive and recover like no medicine could. They are inseparable.”

Tilly was diagnosed with leukaemia last February.

Hannah said: “We knew something wasn’t right. She kept saying her legs were hurting and she was tired. She kept having tiny nosebleeds. Then overnight the bruising appeared under her skin.”

Hospital tests confirmed the diagnosis. Hannah said: “It was devastating to be told Tilly had leukaemia.” While Tilly is officially in remission she is still undergoing chemotherapy.

Hannah said: “It has been very tough on her body, but having Clara to keep her spirits up really kept her going.” Doctors say there is a 97 percent chance Tilly’s treatment will be successful.



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