8 Ways to Fix a Broken Metabolism to Lose Weight

We all know by now that metabolism is the mechanism through which the body torches up calories to be used as energy. It is commonly seen that when someone is trying to lose weight, the body lowers metabolism in order to conserve energy, and it becomes a little difficult to shed extra pounds after a certain point no matter what one does. Commonly called as “weight loss plateau,” it happens when the body reduces its caloric expenditure to compensate for the reduced caloric intake. In such a situation, the body locks up the stored fat deducing it to be a famine situation. When your metabolism dips or becomes sluggish, it’s absolutely imperative to find solutions to fix it up because as we have mentioned above, a robust metabolism is one of the key factors to get lean. In this post, we list down 5 ways to fix a broken metabolism to lose weight.

1. Correct Insulin Resistance: Insulin, which is a blood sugar regulating hormone, also plays an active role in directing calories to be stored as glycogen and fat in muscles and tissues. When there is high amount of glucose circulating in the bloodstream on a steady basis, after a point, body cells become less responsive to the efforts of insulin. When that happens, all extra circulating glucose is directed to be stored as body fat. If you are trying to lose weight, it would do a great deal of benefit to remember that insulin resistance can actually prevent further weight loss and encourage storage of body fat. In fact, high and frequent insulin secretion will block fat burning (aka lipolysis). Insulin resistance tends to lower metabolism as well, aiding in weight gain. To improve metabolism and mend it, try correcting insulin resistance because it’s the hormone which can open the door to release stored fat in the body for burning when there is calorie deficit through dieting and exercise. To correct insulin resistance, stay away from refined carbs, white sugar, eat veggies, increase protein intake, correct magnesium deficiency if any. Read about some effective ways to tackle insulin resistance in this post.

2. Don’t Crash Diet/Eat Better, Not Less: Crash dieting is never a good way to lose weight. On the contrary, one can gain weight by doing so. Skimping up calories or staying away food completely will not fetch you desirable results. Do remember that with reduced calorie intake, the body lowers metabolism as well. You just have to eat right, not less to drop weight. You need to follow the correct diet which is low carb and provides adequate nourishment so that the metabolism does not dip down. Find the right kind of weight loss diets on the Rati Beauty app, more details here.

3. 21 Tricks to Boost Metabolism: Metabolism is important to burn all those extra calories and to get to the fat stores to make you feel lighter. Now, in this post, we will list down 21 tricks to boost your metabolism.

4. Increase NEAT activities Help Fix a Broken Metabolism: Endurance activities such as walking, jogging, climbing stairs etc., tend to increase the level of metabolic hormone called as fibroblast growth factor. Leading an active lifestyle keeps the metabolism robust. Additionally, NEAT which stands for non-exercise activity thermogenesis and is the energy we use for everything we do in our day-to-day life helps to boost metabolism. Using the stairs instead of the lift, squatting on the floor to lift something up, walking while talking on the phone, every activity we do while being on our feet, comes under NEAT. All these activities help to burn some amount of calories and these bits of calories spent here and there, add up to a considerable amount when you are trying to lose weight.

5. Sleep for a Minimum of 7 Hours Each Night: There’s a direct link between sleep deprivation, low metabolism and weight gain. Sleep for at least 7 to 8 hours, and wake up with a charged-up metabolism.

6. Drink Lots of H2O: Everyone says you should drinks loads of water, not only for beautiful skin, but to boost weight loss too because studies have revealed that adequate water can increase metabolism rate up to 30%! So, grab that water bottle right now!

7. Drink Coffee: Avoid the creamer in your cuppa coffee, and take a liking for black coffee because the caffeine content not only stimulates lipolysis (fat burning process), keeps you active, it also boosts metabolism.

8. Say No to Sedentary Lifestyle: Lipoprotein lipase is an essential enzyme that plays an important role in metabolism. Unknown to many, lipase switches off its function after just half an hour of inactivity. If nothing, do not forget to fidget your legs every now and then to keep the metabolism flag flying high.

21 Tricks to Boost your Metabolism
Best Times to Drink Water to Speed Up Weight Loss



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