8 Tips To Choose The Right Sunscreen This Summer

Sun’s UV rays cause tanning and ageing of the skin.

One must keep their skin’s needs in mind, before choosing the right sunscreen for them.

One beauty product that you can’t live without in summer is sunscreen. Stepping outside the house without applying sunscreen can cause harm to your skin, in more ways than one. Sun’s UV rays cause darkening or tanning of the skin. It also promotes faster ageing of the skin. To protect your skin from this, sunscreen comes as a saviour. But we are often confused on how to choose the right product for us. Like all other beauty products, sunscreen too has a wide range. So one must keep their skin’s needs in mind, before choosing the right sunscreen for them.

Most people are not happy with their sunscreen. The wrong ones can cause pimples and other problems. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, always choose a sunscreen lotion that suits your lifestyle, budget and skin type. But finding such a perfect sunscreen can be a difficult task. Let us tell you how to choose the best sunscreen for yourself. Take a look at the tips below:

  1. According to WebMD, whenever you buy a sunscreen, check the package to see if it offers protection from UVA and UVB. Buy a sunscreen with at least SPF 30.

  1.  If you sweat profusely or you are going to wear sunscreen while swimming, then buy a waterproof one.

  1. If your skin is sensitive, buy a brand that does not contain para-amino benzoic acid (PABA).

  1. If your sunscreen is not suiting the skin or not giving good results, stop using it immediately and do not use sunscreen with the same chemical.

  1. If your skin is oily and pimples are prone to breakouts then use water based products, instead of oil based ones.

  1. It is not necessary that an expensive product suits your skin, so keep an eye on every type of product and use the ingredient that suits.

  1. Check the expiry date before use. If you are using a chemical that has been degraded, it can be harmful to your skin.

  1. If your skin is sensitive then do not use such a product which has fragrance. Buy a product that contains zinc oxide or titanium dioxide.



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