8 Smart Ways to Promote a Concert Using Social Media

Concerts can be phenomenally profitable and fun events for everyone involved, but only if you promote them properly ahead of time. Indeed, if you don’t tell your target audience that you have a concert coming up, no one will attend, no matter how great your music might be!

With that in mind, let’s break down eight ways you can promote your concert on social media. Social media platforms are the best places to digitally promote an upcoming concert since they allow you to reach as many people as possible.

Make a Facebook Event and Group

For starters, you can make a Facebook event and associated group in a matter of minutes. Making a Facebook event is beneficial for two reasons:

  • You can set a date for everyone to see on Facebook
  • You can ask people to RSVP to the Facebook event. If you’re lucky, this will let you estimate how many attendees you can expect when your concert arrives

On top of that, making a Facebook event and group lets you interact with anyone who may have questions about the price of tickets, the concert venue, who’ll be performing, and more. Think of the concert Facebook group and event page as a hub for giving information to concert attendees and spreading the word simultaneously.

Build a Basic Website

It’s always a good idea to make a website for a major upcoming event like a concert. But how does this tie into social media?

Simply put, if you build a basic website with key information for potential attendees, you can refer to that website on all your social media profiles. Then you don’t have to worry about including the same batch of information in every social media post you make. You can instead just reference the website and direct traffic to it.

Building a basic website doesn’t take too long, and in many cases, it can include just the landing page and a ticket checkout page. 

Create a Countdown Timer

Nothing gets people excited for an upcoming event like a countdown timer; this is doubly true for limited-time events like concerts. Luckily, the social media platform Instagram lets you quickly set a countdown sticker for related Instagram Stories. You can set the end date and time for the countdown and even customize the appearance of the clock.

This is a great way to build anticipation for a concert, especially as you enter the last week before it occurs. For the best results, tie your other social media promotion efforts to the countdown timer so that potential concert attendees will be taken straight to the clock and feel the pressure to buy tickets before they sell out.

Make Digital Flyers

Don’t discount the value of digital flyers. The right flyers can work just like posters in the real world, offering summarized information about the concert venue, its date, what people can expect, and the price of tickets. All of that information is absolutely vital when you’re trying to build an audience for the upcoming event efficiently.

Even better, you can use these digital flyers on email newsletters, social media posts, and other online ads. Luckily, you can weekly whip up some top-tier concert flyers with free concert flyer templates using tools like PosterMyWall. 

Post Consistently Leading Up to the Concert

No matter what shape your social media marketing campaign takes, you need to post consistently and at the same time each day leading up to the concert itself. Posting consistently:

  • Provides you with benefits with Google’s SEO algorithms
  • Gives potential attendees multiple chances to become aware of the concert and decide whether to buy tickets
  • Reminds potential attendees that time is running out for them to make those purchases

Additionally, posting consistently lets you quickly answer questions from people on the fence one way or the other. The more opportunities you give for engagement, the more engagement you’ll receive from your target audience.

Create a Hashtag

It may be wise to take advantage of platforms like Twitter and Instagram by making a hashtag for the upcoming concert. For example, just use the concert name plus the year, and you’re set! Then add that hashtag in every social media post you make to get some digital momentum going.

Post Instagram Videos of Prep Work

Don’t forget to use Instagram’s natural suitability for video content to your advantage. Specifically, you should post quick behind-the-scenes videos of preparing for the concert in the days leading up to the event.

This can do wonders for building audience engagement and anticipation, especially if you manage to get some behind-the-scenes interviews or sneak peeks at the artists themselves. If you’re the artist, feel free to answer some quick audience questions or showcase some candid video footage to drum up even more anticipation and get people chomping at the bit for your concert to start.

Host a Social Media Giveaway

Last but not least, consider hosting a social media giveaway contest. Not only are these contests fantastic for promoting an upcoming concert or another event, but they are also top-tier for boosting brand awareness overall. Therefore, you can use social media giveaway contests as ways to build an audience for future events.

Since the event in question for this promotion is a concert, you can give away free tickets, swag from the artists’ brands or bands, or anything else you can think of. Regardless, be sure to require contest participants to provide their emails – that way, you can easily email them further offers and advertisements later.

Wrap Up

All in all, there are plenty of effective ways to promote an upcoming concert on social media. While you can focus on one to the exclusion of others, it’s a far better idea to utilize all of these marketing methods in conjunction with each other. Stick with it, promote your concert well ahead of schedule, and you’ll have a big crowd when the big day finally arrives!

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