7 Common Sports Injuries and Tips To Prevent Them

A healthy and active lifestyle includes participating in one or two sports as it is good for the heart, helps in building and maintaining muscular strength and keeps one happy and rejuvenated. One would be delighted at the benefits of playing sports, however, sports injuries are not unheard-of. People do get injured while playing all the time, as people trip, make the wrong turn, fall, bump into each other, or fall on the ground.

In the year 2021, the National Safety Council (NSC) reported that incorrect exercise equipment was the primary reason for over 409,000 injuries. Combat sports are often termed “high-risk sports”. They are typically viewed as being dangerous due to the increased risk of suffering trauma while training or performing.

Do not let the risk of injury be a deterrent for you. Keep playing and working towards good health. Just be aware of sports injuries, so that you could take relevant precautions or at least reduce the risk of getting hurt. Let us look at seven common possible athletic-related injuries and possible prevention measures you can take.

Overstretching or tearing muscles or tendons results in a strain. Tendons are cords that connect muscle and bone. A contact sport involving repeated motions of pushing, pushing, twisting, and leaping, players often experience cramps, muscular spasms, and swelling.

Overstretching of a ligament result in sprain. “Ligaments are structures attaching a bone to another bone. For example, the Anterior Cruciate ligament in the knee is one of the most common injuries seen in athletes and common people alike,” says Dr Ankit Batra, Orthopaedic surgeon, Sharda Hospital, Fitmed TV.

Knee injuries
Any injury that interferes with the knee joints could be a sports injury. It could range from a cruciate ligament tear to a meniscal injury.

Stress Fractures
“When people suddenly start exercising after long periods of inactivity they may develop small stress fractures,” adds Dr Batra.

Stretching a joint beyond its normal range of motion, as is the requirement of many sports may lead to dislocations of joints and cause permanent damage.

Ankle sprains and fractures
An abrupt, awkward landing or stepping on an uneven surface can cause ligament damage around the ankle, leading to partial or full ligament tears. “Ankle fractures are common due to frequent ankle twisting and holding, and repeated jumping where the full bodyweight is supported by the ankle,” says Vaibhav Somani, Director, Gravolite.

Calf muscle pulls
When the calf muscle is overextended, the muscle tissue is torn. Even calf strain has levels based on how severe the impact is.


A proper stretching and warm up routine are keystones of preventing sports injuries. The warmer the muscle the more flexible it is, along with its fascia acting, to a degree, as shock absorbers. “The RICE method is a common treatment regimen for sports injuries. It stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation,” opines Dr Batra.

Control the weight, do not let the weight control you, lighter weight and proper form is very important.

Wear the right shoes. Make sure you have the proper athletic protection. Ill-fitting shoes or gear can increase your risk for injury.

Know your limits and push them accordingly, you are the best judge of how far you can push your body.

Remember to cool down after your activity. Usually, this involves doing the same stretching and exercises involved in a warmup.

A good professional sports mat provides proper cushioning, grip, hygiene, and durability. “They are thicker and larger than regular workout mats. They have an easy-to-wipe vinyl cover outside and extra-dense foam inside. They can also absorb shocks that may lead to an injury to the ankle, knee, spine, neck, or shoulder,” adds Somani.

Professional mats also ensure that the athletes get the required training which will help them to compete in an international arena where the settings are similar. This enables them to get a complete hang of the actual ground to perform better.

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