600 Secs with Devin Wiggins (Workout Review)

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What if you’re really busy? What if you’re the CEO of a company, a single mother of 3, or maybe you just watch a lot of Netflix? How can you fit the most amount of work into a few minutes?

Devin Wiggins says you can get a full workout in only 600 seconds – or 10 minutes. I have my doubts.

About the Creator – Devin Wiggins

Devin Wiggins is actually a very normal person compared to other trainers around the world. No massively bulging muscles, no perfect abs, no edited pictures. He’s just a regular person who likes helping people get fitter.

Devin has been in the fitness industry for some time and has his hands in companies like Beachbody and Rise Movement. He also recently got involved with FitFighter, a company that’s focused on fitness education.

Devin was nominated as the hottest trainer in LA back in 2015 because he’s that good at helping people transform. He also has a knack for working with individuals who don’t have a lot of free time, designing short and intense workouts to help them progress.

600 Secs Overview

Cramming a whole workout into 10 minutes sounds like a lot. It becomes even more challenging when the overarching goal of 600 Secs is “everything.” This, of course, means you’ll be focusing on strength, hypertrophy, and cardio.

  • Fitness level: All levels
  • Duration: 21 days
  • Workouts per week: 7 workouts per week
  • Average workout duration: 10 minutes (exactly)
  • Equipment needed: Minimal equipment
  • Goal: Get fit

For a program that’s already limited on time, you’re also “limited” on equipment, as only dumbbells, resistance bands, and a yoga mat are required but also listed as “optional.”

Devin Wiggins’ 600 Secs Details

There are 7 types of workouts, each focusing on a different aspect of fitness:

  1. Cardio
  2. Total Body
  3. Upper Body
  4. Lower Body
  5. Core
  6. Flexibility
  7. Bands (so much for “optional”)

While these workouts are technically “different” from one another, you’re most likely going to be doing a lot of the same movements.

Only 600 Seconds?

Apparently. Devin is making a bold claim by saying that this is all that’s needed for physiological changes. For most people, maybe. After all, Harvard estimates close to 50% of all Americans are obese, and that number is only rising.

As you progress more in your fitness journey, the harder it’ll get. It’s like that for most things in life and even applies in physics. The faster you go, the harder it is to go even faster.

This isn’t a high-level training program – not by a long shot. This is about as entry-level as you can get (granted, you aren’t morbidly obese or suffering from injuries or old age).

The first workout looks like this:

  • Bodyweight squats for a couple of seconds to warm up and get the legs ready to move
  • Single-dumbbell squats, alternating hand to hand
  • Alternating jumping lunges
  • Shuffling side to side with a dumbbell in hand
  • With a dumbbell, squat and press, and then squat with a jump forward
  • Side-to-side jumps with half a burpee, holding the single dumbbell
  • Reverse lunge and knee extension
  • Mountain climbers
  • Split dumbbell lunge jerk (it’s combing a lunge with an Olympic jerk – sort of)
  • And finish with stretching

That Doesn’t Seem Too Hard?…

Correct me if I’m wrong, but there isn’t a lot here that is that hard. This might apply to some people, and thus this plan was specifically designed for certain individuals:

  • The person who merely wants some activity in their day to maybe manage cardiovascular health or just get the mental benefits of training
  • The person who isn’t really training that hard at a normal gym and isn’t on a trip
  • People who are perhaps in a certain demographic, such as being a bit overweight

That’s all well and good, and those people deserve a good quality workout plan. And the plan that Devin has designed is perfect for that type of individual.

However, this is where wording becomes very important, and I’m going to be slightly picky with Devin.

Addressing the Program’s Claims…

The claim of strength gain is a very bold one. Strength gain will only occur when there are physical adaptations for weeks on end. Even looking at short-term strength studies, they usually clock in at 12 weeks.

Strength training is also progressive. This means that week to week, there will be changes to the training – usually, load or volume – referring to weight on the bar and the total number of sets. This is crucial for growth, as the body needs a novel stimulus to adapt.

600 Secs has absolutely zero adaptation or overload. Again, unless the person falls into the demographics mentioned earlier, there will be no adaptation. The workouts simply aren’t hard enough.

The second claim of muscle gain goes hand-in-hand with strength gain. There needs to be an increase in load or resistance as time goes on. Otherwise, there will be no adaptation. Unless the person has only done less than what these workouts provide, they won’t grow muscle tissue.

The biggest issue is yet to come, though. “That you can stack to reach any goal” is written about the workouts. This is just false, factually. In order to reach a certain goal, you need to have specific training and diet to reach said goal.

There are different training schedules based on your goals, namely:

  • Weight loss
  • Super sculpt
  • Lose weight tone up
  • Total-body-strength
  • Abs and core

Do these schedules actually allow the person to reach that specific goal? Not really. What do “sculpting” and “tone up” even mean? It’s all just fat loss?

There are also other smaller things that aren’t up to par for how much they market this plan. “Scorching fat” and “get lean and strong” is plastered everywhere, and it simply isn’t true! This is blatantly lying about what the plan will actually do for you.

Also, for a plan that’s so focused on fat loss, there isn’t one mention of diet. Or protein. Seems a bit irresponsible to tell people they can burn a ton of calories and lose fat with 10 minutes of exercise a day.

This is beginning to shape up to look like everything that’s wrong with the fitness industry. Empty promises and lies.

Does the 600 Secs Program Have Any Pros?

I questioned this for a long time before I could actually find one. However, if you’re someone who needs the most basic of plans, that’ll do you fine.

It won’t make you lose fat. It won’t make you build muscle or strength unless you’ve never trained before.

This isn’t an ideal plan if you’re coming from a much-tougher Beachbody program, like The Prep or even the relatively mild Power 90.

You should ideally be looking elsewhere. This plan also fails to mention warming up; you just start squatting immediately. And, if you’re someone who has little to no training experience, you might need to take things slow.

And even if this plan was developed for those individuals, why include jumping? You’re putting already compromised people at risk.

3 600 Secs Cons

  1. Lies: As I mentioned earlier (a lot), there’s a lot of lying in this plan. There are promises of fat loss and muscles, and there are zero methods in which to achieve this. Sorry to sound harsh, but things require sacrifice. If you’re only willing to sacrifice 10 minutes of time a day, then you can expect 1% of the results others get.
  2. No diet information: I understand that Beachbody has nutrition guides. However, there should be individualized ones for plans to fit their overarching goals. Failure to do so will have people confused and misled.
  3. It’s not hard or long enough: Again, unless you’re a total beginner, you’re just better off doing pull-ups. There’s no progression week to week, and there’s nothing that gets harder. Thus, you simply won’t get better. Also, the idea of having everlasting physical changes with 210 minutes of working out is a disgusting lie on Devin’s part, if we’re completely honest.

600 Secs with Devin Wiggins – Final Thoughts

So, for most of this review, I’ve been rather harsh. That’s been for a good reason, however. See, changes in your body take time. Most people just don’t see changes within 21 days, especially when doing the bare minimum.

And this isn’t to pick on people who would want to try this plan – not at all. This is a reflection of how wrong the fitness industry can be.

Devin or the editors blatantly lie about what’s possible:

  • The main driver behind fat loss is diet. You might burn 200 calories (at most) in 10 minutes of training, equating to 1,400 per week. Thus, (3 x 1400 = 4,200) 4,200 calories in total. This means if you eat perfectly at maintenance daily, you might lose 1.3 pounds of fat.
  • The driver of muscle gain is resistance, and the workouts just don’t provide enough. It’s also way too short to make progress.

Can 600 Secs with Devin Wiggins work in any scenario? Maybe, if the individual is someone who’s never trained or is just looking for something to do. Then this plan might offer just enough resistance for the body to adapt.

That said, this doesn’t align with their promises. The promises they make won’t happen, even if the person is a complete novice. Most of the exercises are just harder variations of daily movements … and barely so.

Am I being a bit hard? Perhaps. I am just sick of people making false claims or promises about what a plan offers. I’m very disappointed in Devin and the editing team for the marketing and claims they make.

Rating: 0.0 out of 5



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