6 Pros and Cons of Laser Hair Removal


When it comes to getting rid of body hair, you have many options to choose from. While some will shave everything away daily, the hair can grow back in a matter of days. If you feel self-conscious about hair growth and have grown tired of the mundane routine of shaving or waxing your skin, it may be time to consider laser hair removal.

Laser hair removal is a common cosmetic procedure that uses a powerful laser to remove unwanted hair. Before opting for this procedure, it’s important to be aware of the pros and cons attached. Read on to help make your mind up about whether laser hair removal is right for you.

Pro – Great Results

Understandably, the biggest pro of laser hair removal is its excellent results. Although laser hair removal can work on many body parts, it’s particularly effective on the chin, lips, and underarm areas. If you’re seeking a permanent solution and want to forego shaving, tweezing, or waxing unwanted hairs, laser hair removal could be the way to go.

Pro – Virtually Pain Free

If you’re anxious about laser hair removal being painful, worry no longer. When it comes to your pain threshold, the procedure should fall somewhere between waxing (painful) and shaving (painless). As long as you use a trusted skin specialist to carry out treatment, they will normally use a cooling system in advance. This will numb the area before, during, and after the laser treatment. As you progress through treatments, your hair will become finer which should make any pain or discomfort easier to manage.

Pro – Confidence

We all want to feel confident in our skin, so if you have stubborn hairs that just won’t budge, laser hair removal can boost your self-esteem overnight. Laser hair removal can reduce ingrown hairs, leave you with smoother skin, and improve your self-consciousness. Whether you have an event coming up or a family vacation, you can show your skin with pride, without the worry of having razor bruises or burns from hot wax.

Con – Long Process

While one session of laser hair removal can take less than 60 seconds to complete, you will need to have multiple sessions to see any real differences. In general, you will need to wait between 4 and 6 weeks for each treatment. Depending on the area of your body, there will be different growth rates. This means the treatment could take longer or shorter than anticipated. Make sure you attend every session and be consistent with treatment, otherwise you may not get the best results.

Con – Costly

If you don’t have a wad of cash saved up for laser hair removal, it may be time to do so. This is because the procedure can be costly. In fact, the average cost of laser hair removal in 2020 was $389 per session, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. For those who are serious about getting rid of unwanted body hair, you will need to have the funds ready to cover treatment.

Con – Risks

There are risks associated with laser hair removal treatment that you must be aware of. These include blistering, scarring, redness, and discoloration of the skin. There is also a risk of burns to the skin. Therefore, you must always use a certified doctor to carry out the treatment.

If you’re ready to get rid of unwanted body hair, laser hair removal may be the best option to go for. While there are many pros attached with the procedure, you must be aware of the cons too. Whatever you decide on doing, make sure you pick a reputable doctor to carry out the procedure for the best results.

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