5 Best Baby Food Delivery Services to Try in 2021

For sleep-deprived new parents, summoning the energy to fire up the blender or steamer and make baby food isn’t always easy, but the best baby food delivery services can streamline the process of feeding your little one by leaps and bounds. Once your baby gets to the point of being ready for solid foods (the American Academy of Pediatrics says this typically happens around the six-month mark), making your own food or buying ready-made purées is up to personal preference. But if you have the means to, one perk of trying a baby food delivery service is that premade baby foods ship directly to your door, usually ready to be chilled, unwrapped, warmed, and enjoyed.

One of the less obvious advantages of having pre-prepped, pre-measured baby foods on hand is avoiding food waste—especially for little ones who may not be eating much right now. If you’re making your own food, that often translates to a lot of food waste (since you may only need a stalk here or a handful of fruit pieces there to blend into a purée), or it means you’re freezing leftovers and feeding your baby the same dish over and over, without much variety.

Generally, the AAP also recommends exposing babies to a wide variety of flavors and textures, which is another great perk of baby food delivery services. Though just as a heads up, you may want to check in with a pediatrician before introducing common allergens like eggs, peanut butter, and milk. Since these services often consult with pediatricians, registered dietitians, and chefs, you’ll find lots of inventive flavor combinations, seasonal recipes, and healthy ingredients (which are often organic, if that’s important to you). Some services even grow with you, offering food for six-month-olds, toddlers, kids, and even teens and adults too (so the whole family can join in!).

Here, we’ve assembled some of the best baby food delivery services to try if you’re interested in dabbling, including some that our digital director Amy Eisinger has tried firsthand with her one-year-old daughter.



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