3 Natural Ways to Manage Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence is a condition that is experienced by countless people worldwide. Those with urinary incontinence have difficulty controlling their bladder and leak urine without meaning to. This condition may affect anyone but is more prevalent in the elderly, particularly women.

People with bladder control problems are frequently embarrassed by their condition, affecting their physical and emotional health. They find it difficult to socialise or engage in their daily activities, even those they usually enjoy doing. They worry about having an accident around people and would rather seclude themselves to keep from feeling humiliated.

Nevertheless, there are several effective remedies for urinary incontinence. Of course, the best course of action will depend on the underlying cause of your condition and your specific requirements. Before resorting to treatments like medicines or surgery, healthcare professionals generally begin with more natural approaches such as behavioural therapy, pelvic floor exercises, and losing weight (as this condition is more prevalent in overweight people). Then, when treating for incontinence is addressed, those with the condition can carry on with their normal routine and enjoy life more.

Below are some natural remedies you can try if you have incontinence.

  1. Bladder re-training

Although it may seem easy, bladder training requires a lot of patience. The idea is to develop the ability to delay the urge to use the restroom. For example, try to put off using the restroom for 10 minutes first, then gradually extend it to 20 minutes. Making a record of how frequently you use the restroom can be helpful, as well as speaking with your doctor or an incontinence specialist. When dealing with different disorders and diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, however, controlling urine may not always be a good idea or even be doable.

  1. Reduce or avoid caffeine intake

Quitting your morning cup of coffee may seem extreme and unpleasant, yet caffeine is proven to stimulate the brain. Caffeine specifically activates the front portion of the brain, which has control over the bladder. Several experts speculate that caffeine may also stimulate the bladder. Additionally, since caffeine is known to be a diuretic, reducing or eliminating your caffeine intake may significantly improve urge incontinence.

  1. Stop smoking

Smoking is unhealthy for you for various reasons, and it is well-known that nicotine can adversely affect the bladder. According to one research, smokers have a higher risk of developing incontinence than non-smokers. In addition, smokers frequently cough more, which over time can strain the muscles in the pelvic floor and bladder, which may result in urinary incontinence.

  1. Watch your weight

Your abdomen and pelvic region experience more pressure and strain if you are overweight. The pelvic floor may become weaker, as a result, making it more difficult to contain leaks when you need to urinate. In addition, carrying extra weight puts more strain on your bladder, which makes common actions like laughing, sneezing, and coughing more likely to result in stress incontinence occurrences.

Having urinary incontinence does not have to keep you from enjoying your life and doing things you love to do. Living healthy and trying out these natural remedies can help you manage your condition better and allow you to continue your normal activities.


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